大约有 46,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0451秒) [XML]
How to subtract 30 days from the current datetime in mysql?
What's a quick way to comment/uncomment lines in Vim?
For those tasks I use most of the time block selection.
Put your cursor on the first # character, press CtrlV (or CtrlQ for gVim), and go down until the last commented line and press x, that will delete all the # characters vertically.
For commenting a block of text i...
Using union and order by clause in mysql
...criteria from a table based on distance for a search on my site.
The first select query returns data related to the exact place search .
The 2nd select query returns data related to distance within 5 kms from the place searched.
The 3rd select query returns data related to distance within 5-15 kms f...
Javascript Equivalent to C# LINQ Select
...always add custom methods to the array prototype as well:
Array.prototype.select = function(expr){
var arr = this;
//do custom stuff
return arr.map(expr); //or $.map(expr);
var ids = this.fruits.select(function(v){
return v.Id;
An extended version that uses the function ...
SQL Switch/Case in 'where' clause
declare @locationType varchar(50);
declare @locationID int;
SELECT column1, column2
FROM viewWhatever
@locationID =
CASE @locationType
WHEN 'location' THEN account_location
WHEN 'area' THEN xxx_location_area
WHEN 'division' THEN xxx_location_division
MySQL JOIN the most recent row only?
You may want to try the following:
SELECT CONCAT(title, ' ', forename, ' ', surname) AS name
FROM customer c
SELECT MAX(id) max_id, customer_id
FROM customer_data
GROUP BY customer_id
Allow user to select camera or gallery for image
How to launch a single Intent to select images from either the Gallery or the Camera, or any application registered to browse the filesystem.
Rather than creating a Dialog with a list of Intent options, it is much better to use Intent.createChooser in order...
How to convert float to varchar in SQL Server
Try using the STR() function.
SELECT STR(float_field, 25, 5)
STR() Function
Another note: this pads on the left with spaces. If this is a problem combine with LTRIM:
SELECT LTRIM(STR(float_field, 25, 5))
Jump to matching XML tags in Vim
...n do this without additional plugins:
place cursor on the tag
vat - will select the (outer) tag and place cursor on the end
once you've got your selection you can toggle between the top and bottom with o (update based on Michael Gruber's note)
c - change or, y - copy or, escape for leaving visual ...
How to select all records from one table that do not exist in another table?
SELECT t1.name
FROM table1 t1
LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON t2.name = t1.name
Q: What is happening here?
A: Conceptually, we select all rows from table1 and for each row we attempt to find a row in table2 wi...