大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0854秒) [XML]


generate days from date range

...000 days, and could be extended to go as far back or forward as you wish. select a.Date from ( select curdate() - INTERVAL (a.a + (10 * b.a) + (100 * c.a) + (1000 * d.a) ) DAY as Date from (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all ...

Best way to test if a row exists in a MySQL table

... You could also try EXISTS: SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE ...) and per the documentation, you can SELECT anything. Traditionally, an EXISTS subquery starts with SELECT *, but it could begin with SELECT 5 or SELECT column1 or anything ...

Select random row from a sqlite table

... Have a look at Selecting a Random Row from an SQLite Table SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1; share | improve this answer ...

Delete all data in SQL Server database

...stem stored procs */ DECLARE @name VARCHAR(128) DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(254) SELECT @name = (SELECT TOP 1 [name] FROM sysobjects WHERE [type] = 'P' AND category = 0 ORDER BY [name]) WHILE @name is not null BEGIN SELECT @SQL = 'DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[' + RTRIM(@name) +']' EXEC (@SQL) PRINT ...

MySQL - Get row number on select

Can I run a select statement and get the row number if the items are sorted? 5 Answers ...

How do you use the “WITH” clause in MySQL?

...s mentioned, you provided a poor example - there's no need to perform a subselect if you aren't altering the output of the columns in any way: SELECT * FROM ARTICLE t JOIN USERINFO ui ON ui.user_userid = t.article_ownerid JOIN CATEGORY c ON c.catid = t.article_categoryid WHERE t....

Drop all the tables, stored procedures, triggers, constraints and all the dependencies in one sql st

...stem stored procs */ DECLARE @name VARCHAR(128) DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(254) SELECT @name = (SELECT TOP 1 [name] FROM sysobjects WHERE [type] = 'P' AND category = 0 ORDER BY [name]) WHILE @name is not null BEGIN SELECT @SQL = 'DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[' + RTRIM(@name) +']' EXEC (@SQL) PRINT ...

Best way to select random rows PostgreSQL

I want a random selection of rows in PostgreSQL, I tried this: 12 Answers 12 ...

Can you create nested WITH clauses for Common Table Expressions?

..., the form of the statement you are looking for would be WITH x AS ( SELECT * FROM MyTable ), y AS ( SELECT * FROM x ) SELECT * FROM y share | improve this answer | ...

How to use count and group by at the same select statement

I have an sql select query that has a group by. I want to count all the records after the group by statement. Is there a way for this directly from sql? For example, having a table with users I want to select the different towns and the total number of users ...