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ruby on rails f.select options with custom attributes
I have a form select statement, like this:
5 Answers
How to get label of select option with jQuery?
The value can be retrieved by $select.val() .
11 Answers
How to select the first element in the dropdown using jquery?
I want to know how to select the first option in all select tags on my page using jquery.
9 Answers
Select2 dropdown but allow new values by user?
I want to have a dropdown with a set of values but also allow the user to "select" a new value not listed there.
9 Answers...
select2 - hiding the search box
For my more significant selects, the search box in Select2 is wonderful. However, in one instance, I have a simple selection of 4 hard-coded choices. In this case, the search box is superfluous and looks a little silly being present. Is it possible to hide it somehow? I took a look through the docum...
Get the week start date and week end date from week number
...y other weird value to test it */
@d ThatDate,
DATEADD(dd, 0 - (@@DATEFIRST + 5 + DATEPART(dw, @d)) % 7, @d) Monday,
DATEADD(dd, 6 - (@@DATEFIRST + 5 + DATEPART(dw, @d)) % 7, @d) Sunday
How to find gaps in sequential numbering in mysql?
Here's version that works on table of any size (not just on 100 rows):
SELECT (t1.id + 1) as gap_starts_at,
(SELECT MIN(t3.id) -1 FROM arrc_vouchers t3 WHERE t3.id > t1.id) as gap_ends_at
FROM arrc_vouchers t1
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT t2.id FROM arrc_vouchers t2 WHERE t2.id = t1.id + ...
Check if option is selected with jQuery, if not select a default
Using jQuery, how do you check if there is an option selected in a select menu, and if not, assign one of the options as selected.
jQuery If DIV Doesn't Have Class “x”
...y I need to do an if statement to see if $this doesn't contain the class '.selected'.
7 Answers
Best way to select random rows PostgreSQL
I want a random selection of rows in PostgreSQL, I tried this:
12 Answers