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Ruby / Rails: convert int to time OR get time from integer?

... Use Time.at: t = Time.at(i) share | improve this answer | follow | ...

How to convert a selection to lowercase or uppercase in Sublime Text

I have several strings selected in a file in Sublime Text and I want to convert them all to lowercase. 5 Answers ...

ADO.NET DataRow - check for column existence

How do I check for the existence of a column in a datarow? 2 Answers 2 ...

Chrome extension: force popup.html to close

I'm wondering is there anyway I can force popup.html to close? 1 Answer 1 ...

How to generate controller inside namespace in rails

... Try rails g controller admin/users if you want a users controller inside of the admin namespace. Of course, exchange users with whatever controller name that you'd like. share ...

Multiline comment in PowerShell

Can we comment multiple lines together in PowerShell? 2 Answers 2 ...

django template display item value or empty string

... You want the default_if_none template filter, (doc). default_if_none will display the given string if the variable is 'None'. default will display the string if the variable evaluates to False, ie empty strings, empty lists e...

Turning a string into a Uri in Android

I have a string, 'songchoice' . I want it to become a 'Uri' so I can use with MediaPlayer.create(context, Uri) 2 Answers ...

MongoDB: Find a document by non-existence of a field?

Is there a way to specify a condition of "where document doesn't contain field" ? 1 Answer ...

Visual Studio Wcf Test Client - entering an Int array

I've found the Visual Studio WCF test client quite useful when it comes to a quick test of my WCF service. This is the test client found in this location relative to your Visual Studio install directory: ...