大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0261秒) [XML]
MySQL DROP all tables, ignoring foreign keys
Is there a nice easy way to drop all tables from a MySQL database, ignoring any foreign key constraints that may be in there?
Difference between left join and right join in SQL Server [duplicate]
Select * from Table1 left join Table2 ...
Select * from Table2 right join Table1 ...
are indeed completely interchangeable. Try however Table2 left join Table1 (or its identical pair, Table1 right join Table2) to see a difference....
How to get number of entries in a Lua table?
.... The Lua # operator only counts entries with integer keys, and so does table.getn :
8 Answers
Convert json data to a html table [closed]
Is there any jQuery or javascript library that generates a dynamic table given json data?
I don't want to define the columns, the library should read the keys in the json hash and generate columns.
Relational table naming convention [closed]
I'm starting a new project and would like to get my table- and column names right from the start. For example I've always used plural in table names but recently learned singular is correct.
Truncating all tables in a Postgres database
...pgSQL can do this. Here's the script:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION truncate_tables(username IN VARCHAR) RETURNS void AS $$
statements CURSOR FOR
SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables
WHERE tableowner = username AND schemaname = 'public';
FOR stmt IN statements LOOP
SQL: deleting tables with prefix
How to delete my tables who all have the prefix myprefix_ ?
10 Answers
How to change the CHARACTER SET (and COLLATION) throughout a database?
Our previous programmer set the wrong collation in a table (Mysql). He set it up with Latin collation, when it should be UTF8, and now I have issues. Every record with Chinese and Japan character turn to ??? character.
How to search a specific value in all tables (PostgreSQL)?
Is it possible to search every column of every table for a particular value in PostgreSQL?
8 Answers
In which case do you use the JPA @JoinTable annotation?
In which case do you use the JPA @JoinTable annotation?
5 Answers