大约有 47,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0283秒) [XML]
Sleep until a specific time/date
...anted to wait until next week:
expr `date -d "next week" +%s` - `date -d "now" +%s`
Just substitute "next week" with whatever date you'd like to wait for, then assign this expression to a value, and sleep for that many seconds:
startTime=$(date +%s)
endTime=$(date -d "next week" +%s)
Django datetime issues (default=datetime.now())
it looks like datetime.now() is being evaluated when the model is defined, and not each time you add a record.
Django has a feature to accomplish what you are trying to do already:
date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, blank=True)
How to calculate age (in years) based on Date of Birth and getDate()
...re are some more accurate methods:
DECLARE @Now datetime, @Dob datetime
SELECT @Now='1990-05-05', @Dob='1980-05-05' --results in 10
--SELECT @Now='1990-05-04', @Dob='1980-05-05' --results in 9
--SELECT @Now='1989-05-06', @Dob='1980-05-05' --results in 9
Temporarily disable auto_now / auto_now_add
updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, auto_now_add=True)
# my tests
foo = FooBar.objects.get(pk=1)
# force a timestamp
lastweek = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
# do...
Find if current time falls in a time range
... //10 o'clock
TimeSpan end = new TimeSpan(12, 0, 0); //12 o'clock
TimeSpan now = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;
if ((now > start) && (now < end))
//match found
For absolute times use:
DateTime start = new DateTime(2009, 12, 9, 10, 0, 0)); //10 o'clock
DateTime end = new DateTime(20...
How to get datetime in JavaScript?
...t; 10) ? "0" + num : num + "";
window.onload = function() {
var now = new Date();
var strDateTime = [[AddZero(now.getDate()),
AddZero(now.getMonth() + 1),
Django auto_now and auto_now_add
Any field with the auto_now attribute set will also inherit editable=False and therefore will not show up in the admin panel. There has been talk in the past about making the auto_now and auto_now_add arguments go away, and although they still exist...
Unit Testing: DateTime.Now
...e unit tests that expects the 'current time' to be different than DateTime.Now and I don't want to change the computer's time, obviously.
Set time part of DateTime in ruby
Say I have a datetime object eg DateTime.now . I want to set hours and minutes to 0 (midnight). How can I do that?
4 Ans...
NOW() function in PHP
...n that returns the date and time in the same format as the MySQL function NOW() ?
20 Answers