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How can I SELECT rows with MAX(Column value), DISTINCT by another column in SQL?

... You are so close! All you need to do is select BOTH the home and its max date time, then join back to the topten table on BOTH fields: SELECT tt.* FROM topten tt INNER JOIN (SELECT home, MAX(datetime) AS MaxDateTime FROM topten GROUP BY home) groupedtt...

Get selected value/text from Select on change

I need to get the value of the selected option in javascript: does anyone know how to get the selected value or text, please tell how to write a function for it. I have assigned onchange() function to select so what do i do after that? ...

Get selected text from a drop-down list (select box) using jQuery

How can I get the selected text (not the selected value) from a drop-down list in jQuery? 34 Answers ...

How to remove the arrow from a select element in Firefox

I'm trying to style a select element using CSS3. I'm getting the results I desire in WebKit (Chrome / Safari), but Firefox isn't playing nicely (I'm not even bothering with IE). I'm using the CSS3 appearance property, but for some reason I can't shake the drop-down icon out of Firefox. ...

Convert Rows to columns using 'Pivot' in SQL Server

...9, 3, 87); If your values are known, then you will hard-code the query: select * from ( select store, week, xCount from yt ) src pivot ( sum(xcount) for week in ([1], [2], [3]) ) piv; See SQL Demo Then if you need to generate the week number dynamically, your code will be: DECLARE @c...


I have a query that inserts using a select: 8 Answers 8 ...

Efficient SQL test query or validation query that will work across all (or most) databases

...er a little bit of research along with help from some of the answers here: SELECT 1 H2 MySQL Microsoft SQL Server (according to NimChimpsky) PostgreSQL SQLite SELECT 1 FROM DUAL Oracle SELECT 1 FROM any_existing_table WHERE 1=0 or SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_USERS or CALL NOW() HS...

What does it mean by select 1 from table?

... SELECT 1 FROM TABLE_NAME means, "Return 1 from the table". It is pretty unremarkable on its own, so normally it will be used with WHERE and often EXISTS (as @gbn notes, this is not necessarily best practice, it is, however, c...

Real life example, when to use OUTER / CROSS APPLY in SQL

...1) Top N per group queries (can be more efficient for some cardinalities) SELECT pr.name, pa.name FROM sys.procedures pr OUTER APPLY (SELECT TOP 2 * FROM sys.parameters pa WHERE pa.object_id = pr.object_id ORDER BY pr.n...

jQuery - getting custom attribute from selected option

... You're adding the event handler to the <select> element. Therefore, $(this) will be the dropdown itself, not the selected <option>. You need to find the selected <option>, like this: var option = $('option:selected', this).attr('mytag'); ...