大约有 44,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0195秒) [XML]

How to declare variable and use it in the same Oracle SQL script?

...; exec :name := 'SALES' PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select * from dept 2 where dname = :name 3 / DEPTNO DNAME LOC ---------- -------------- ------------- 30 SALES CHICAGO SQL> A VAR is particularly useful when we want to call a stored...

Prevent text selection after double click

...lick event on a span in my web app. A side-effect is that the double click selects text on the page. How can I prevent this selection from happening? ...

How to find third or nth maximum salary from salary table?

...you want a single) or DENSE_RANK(for all related rows): WITH CTE AS ( SELECT EmpID, EmpName, EmpSalary, RN = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY EmpSalary DESC) FROM dbo.Salary ) SELECT EmpID, EmpName, EmpSalary FROM CTE WHERE RN = @NthRow ...

Define variable to use with IN operator (T-SQL)

... VALUES (2) INSERT INTO @MyList VALUES (3) INSERT INTO @MyList VALUES (4) SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE MyColumn IN (SELECT Value FROM @MyList) share | improve this answer | ...

Turning a Comma Separated string into individual rows

... SomeID INT, OtherID INT, String VARCHAR(MAX) ) INSERT Testdata SELECT 1, 9, '18,20,22' INSERT Testdata SELECT 2, 8, '17,19' INSERT Testdata SELECT 3, 7, '13,19,20' INSERT Testdata SELECT 4, 6, '' INSERT Testdata SELECT 9, 11, '1,2,3,4' The query ;WITH tmp(SomeID, OtherID, DataIt...

What are the differences between Chosen and Select2?

Chosen and Select2 are the two more popular libraries for extending selectboxes. 11 Answers ...

How do I style a dropdown with only CSS?

Is there a CSS-only way to style a <select> dropdown? 24 Answers 24 ...

Firefox ignores option selected=“selected”

If you change a dropdown and refresh the page, Firefox seems to ignore the selected attribute. 20 Answers ...

Selecting a row in DataGridView programmatically

How can I select a particular range of rows in a DataGridView programmatically at runtime? 8 Answers ...

jQuery If DIV Doesn't Have Class “x”

...y I need to do an if statement to see if $this doesn't contain the class '.selected'. 7 Answers ...