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*.h or *.hpp for your class definitions

... Here are a couple of reasons for having different naming of C vs C++ headers: Automatic code formatting, you might have different guidelines for formatting C and C++ code. If the headers are separated by extension you can set your editor to apply the appropriate formatting automatically ...

C++读写EXCEL文件方式比较 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

C++读写EXCEL文件方式比较C++读取Excel的XLS文件的方法有很多,但是也许就是因为方法太多,大家在选择的时候会很疑惑。由于前两天要做导表工具,比较了常用的方法, C++读取Excel的XLS文件的方法有很多,但是也许就是因为方法...

Effective C++ 改善程序与设计的55个具体做法 - IT书籍推荐 - 清泛网 - 专...

Effective C++ 改善程序与设计的55个具体做法提升C++编码水平、编码风格,高质量C++编程必读书籍。Effective C++ :https: pan.baidu.com s 1gfJn3kJMoreEffective C++ :https: pan.baidu.com s 1jHVcs2E 提升C++编码水平、编码风格,高质量C++编程必读书...

Is C++ context-free or context-sensitive?

I often hear claims that C++ is a context-sensitive language. Take the following example: 20 Answers ...

.c vs .cc vs. .cpp vs .hpp vs .h vs .cxx [duplicate]

... Historically, the first extensions used for C++ were .c and .h, exactly like for C. This caused practical problems, especially the .c which didn't allow build systems to easily differentiate C++ and C files. Unix, on which C++ has been developed, has case sensitive f...

Abstract Class vs Interface in C++ [duplicate]

This is a general question about C++. As you know, there is no clear distinction between interface and abstract class in C++ unlike Java and C#. When would it be more preferrable to use an interface instead of an abstract class in C++? Could you give some examples? ...

vs2008编译boost详细步骤 - 开源 & Github - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...绍】Boost库是一个经过千锤百炼、可移植、提供源代码的C++库,作为标准库的后备,是C++标准化进程的发动机之一。 Boost库由C++标准委员会库工作组成员发起,其 【一、Boost库的介绍】 Boost库是一个经过千锤百炼、可移植、提...

Is there a working C++ refactoring tool? [closed]

Does anybody know a fully featured refactoring tool for C++ that works reliably with large code bases (some 100.000 lines)? ...

Why does C++ need a separate header file?

I've never really understood why C++ needs a separate header file with the same functions as in the .cpp file. It makes creating classes and refactoring them very difficult, and it adds unnecessary files to the project. And then there is the problem with having to include header files, but having to...

CDHtmlDialog的基本使用(JS调用C++函数的实现) - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注IT技能提升

CDHtmlDialog的基本使用(JS调用C++函数的实现)CDHtmlDialog_js_call_cpp_interactiveCDHtmlDialog JS C++一、建立一个新的MFC Application工程,在下面这一步把HTML Dialog给勾上:二、修改工程中的JSCppInteractive.htm,代码如下:<HTML><HEA...一、建立一个...