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What is the effect of extern “C” in C++?

What exactly does putting extern "C" into C++ code do? 15 Answers 15 ...

error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat

...out that the instructions here may be dangerous. Consider using the Visual C++ 2008 Express edition or the purpose-built Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python (details) and NOT using the original answer below. Original error message means the required version of Visual C++ is not installed. Fo...

How can I use a C++ library from node.js?

How can I use a C++ library from node.js? 8 Answers 8 ...

Why would anybody use C over C++? [closed]

Although people seem to like to complain about C++, I haven't been able to find much evidence as to why you would want to choose C over C++. C doesn't seem to get nearly as much flak and if C++ has all these problems why can't you just restrict yourself to the C subset? What are your thoughts/expe...

Is it possible to program iPhone in C++

...ctive C is insane. So I'm curious: is it possible to code iPhone apps with C++ while using the Cocoa API, etc? 11 Answers ...

Why do we need extern “C”{ #include } in C++?

... C and C++ are superficially similar, but each compiles into a very different set of code. When you include a header file with a C++ compiler, the compiler is expecting C++ code. If, however, it is a C header, then the compiler expe...

How much faster is C++ than C#?

...ytecode based language like C# or Java that has a JIT cannot be as fast as C++ code. However C++ code used to be significantly faster for a long time, and also today still is in many cases. This is mainly due to the more advanced JIT optimizations being complicated to implement, and the really cool ...

How different is Objective-C from C++? [closed]

What are the main differences between Objective-C and C++ in terms of the syntax, features, paradigms, frameworks and libraries? ...

What is the difference between g++ and gcc?

...ference between g++ and gcc? Which one of them should be used for general c++ development? 10 Answers ...

Detect if Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 is installed

How to detect if Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 is installed? 20 Answers ...