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AJAX Mailchimp signup form integration

... You don't need an API key, all you have to do is plop the standard mailchimp generated form into your code ( customize the look as needed ) and in the forms "action" attribute change post?u= to post-json?u= and then at the end of the forms action appen...

error: passing xxx as 'this' argument of xxx discards qualifiers

...ere the value type is the same as the key type, both iterator and const_iterator are constant iterators. It is unspecified whether or not iterator and const_iterator are the same type. So VC++ 2008 Dinkumware implementation is faulty. Old answer: You got that error because in certain...

What are type lambdas in Scala and what are their benefits?

...ction of Either[A, B]. The monad typeclass looks like this: trait Monad[M[_]] { def point[A](a: A): M[A] def bind[A, B](m: M[A])(f: A => M[B]): M[B] } Now, Either is a type constructor of two arguments, but to implement Monad, you need to give it a type constructor of one argument. The sol...

What column type/length should I use for storing a Bcrypt hashed password in a Database?

... I don't get the reason why I should bother about binary or not binary at all, if I don't want to sort by password hash, compare hashes on database layer or make the password column unique (“Sorry, this password is already in use”) at all. I'd recommend using UTF8 everywhere. In that case there...

Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions?

...cter class shorthand as "any letter, digit, or connecting punctuation" (usually: underscore). That way, a regex like \w+ matches words like hello , élève , GOÄ_432 or gefräßig . ...

How to check if object (variable) is defined in R?

... heh. Happens to me all the time when I am testing out examples before posting, Gavin or Josh have already answered it. – Maiasaura Feb 20 '12 at 22:17 ...

What is Prefix.pch file in Xcode?

...uestion has been already answered in thread I'm linking below. It contains all the information you need as well as useful comments. Is it OK to remove Prefix.pch file from the Xcode project? share | ...

django : using select_related and get_object_or_404 together

Is there any way of using get_object_or_404 and select_related together or any other way to achieve the result of using these two together(except from putting it in try/except)?? ...

.NET 4.0 has a new GAC, why?

... Global Assembly Cache (GAC), you will have to manage each of them individually. In .NET Framework 4.0, the GAC went through a few changes. The GAC was split into two, one for each CLR. The CLR version used for both .NET Framework 2.0 and .NET Framework 3.5 is CLR 2.0. There was no need in the prev...

Python argparse: default value or specified value

... import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--example', nargs='?', const=1, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() print(args) % test.py Namespace(example=None) % test.py --example Namespace(example=1) % test.py --example 2 Namespace(example=2) nargs...