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What is the python “with” statement designed for?
I came across the Python with statement for the first time today. I've been using Python lightly for several months and didn't even know of its existence! Given its somewhat obscure status, I thought it would be worth asking:
Installing Google Protocol Buffers on mac
I would like to install the older version of Google Protocol Buffers (protobuf-2.4.1) on mac using Terminal command line. I tried with brew install protobuf , but the latest version 2.5.0 has been installed. Is it possible to install the older version from terminal.
What does a type followed by _t (underscore-t) represent?
As Douglas Mayle noted, it basically denotes a type name. Consequently, you would be ill-advised to end variable or function names with '_t' since it could cause some confusion. As well as size_t, the C89 standard defines wchar_t, off_t, ptrdiff_t, and p...
How can I build a small operating system on an old desktop computer? [closed]
...in, as I know writing an operating system is unbearably complicated (especially by oneself).
20 Answers
Why does multiprocessing use only a single core after I import numpy?
...affinity on import. As far as I can tell, this problem seems to be specifically caused by them linking against multithreaded OpenBLAS libraries.
A workaround is to reset the task affinity using
os.system("taskset -p 0xff %d" % os.getpid())
With this line pasted in after the module imports, my ex...
How do I trap ctrl-c (SIGINT) in a C# console app
Actually, that article recommends P/Invoke, and CancelKeyPress is mentioned only briefly in the comments. A good article is codeneverwritten.com/2006/10/…
– bzlm
Aug 21 '10 at 7:55
Is there an expression for an infinite generator?
for x in iter(int, 1): pass
Two-argument iter = zero-argument callable + sentinel value
int() always returns 0
Therefore, iter(int, 1) is an infinite iterator. There are obviously a huge number of variations on this particular theme (especially once you add lambda into the mix). One va...
Can I use assert on Android devices?
You can do
import static junit.framework.Assert.*;
now you can use all the functions like assertTrue, assertEquals, assertNull that are provided in the junit framework.
Be careful not to import the Junit4 framework through eclipse, that would be the org.junit package. You have to use the j...
How to change an application icon programmatically in Android?
<uses-permission android:name="com.android.launcher.permission.INSTALL_SHORTCUT" />
<uses-permission android:name="com.android.launcher.permission.UNINSTALL_SHORTCUT" />
Then you need this two methods for installing and uninstalling shortcuts. The shortcutAdd method creates a bitm...
What is the difference/usage of homebrew, macports or other package installation tools? [closed]
...t exist.
MacPorts is a native application: C + TCL. You don't need Ruby at all. To install Ruby on Mac OS X you might need MacPorts, so just go with MacPorts and you'll be happy.
MacPorts is really stable, in 8 years I never had a problem with it, and my entire Unix ecosystem relay on it.
If you are...