大约有 44,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0304秒) [XML]


How to open, read, and write from serial port in C?

...ed); tty.c_cflag = (tty.c_cflag & ~CSIZE) | CS8; // 8-bit chars // disable IGNBRK for mismatched speed tests; otherwise receive break // as \000 chars tty.c_iflag &= ~IGNBRK; // disable break processing tty.c_lflag = 0; // n...

Java: notify() vs. notifyAll() all over again

...llowing sequence of events occurs - deadlock results: STEP 1: - P1 puts 1 char into the buffer STEP 2: - P2 attempts put - checks wait loop - already a char - waits STEP 3: - P3 attempts put - checks wait loop - already a char - waits STEP 4: - C1 attempts to get 1 char - C2 attempts to get 1 c...

The tilde operator in C

... operator. It inverts the bits of the operand. For example, if you have: char b = 0xF0; /* Bits are 11110000 */ char c = ~b; /* Bits are 00001111 */ share | improve this answer | ...

C# Equivalent of SQL Server DataTypes

...te[] image None None varchar None None char None None nvarchar(1), nchar(1) SqlChars, SqlString Char, String, Char[] nvarchar ...

Stripping out non-numeric characters in string

Hey Im looking to strip out non-numeric characters in a string in ASP.NET C# 11 Answers ...

Is it possible to declare two variables of different types in a for loop?

...ound (not that i'd actually use it unless forced to): for(struct { int a; char b; } s = { 0, 'a' } ; s.a < 5 ; ++s.a) { std::cout << s.a << " " << s.b << std::endl; } share | ...

Group by month and year in MySQL

... like this SELECT onDay, id, sum(pxLow)/count(*),sum(pxLow),count(`*`), CONCAT(YEAR(onDay),"-",MONTH(onDay)) as sdate FROM ... where stockParent_id =16120 group by sdate order by onDay share | ...

How to join two generators in Python?

... In Python (3.5 or greater) you can do: def concat(a, b): yield from a yield from b share | improve this answer | follow ...

How do I execute a command and get the output of the command within C++ using POSIX?

...gt; #include <string> #include <array> std::string exec(const char* cmd) { std::array<char, 128> buffer; std::string result; std::unique_ptr<FILE, decltype(&pclose)> pipe(popen(cmd, "r"), pclose); if (!pipe) { throw std::runtime_error("popen() fai...

How to split a string in Haskell?

...n of words is, words :: String -> [String] words s = case dropWhile Char.isSpace s of "" -> [] s' -> w : words s'' where (w, s'') = break Char.isSpace s' So, change it for a function that takes a predicate: words...