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How to take screenshot of a div with JavaScript?

... 0, 0, 100, 100, function(data) { // in the data variable there is the base64 image // exmaple for displaying the image in an <img> $("img#captured").attr("src", "data:image/png;base64,"+data); }); Keep in mind console.log() and alert() won´t generate output if the size of the i...

Java 32-bit vs 64-bit compatibility

... All byte code is 8-bit based. (That's why its called BYTE code) All the instructions are a multiple of 8-bits in size. We develop on 32-bit machines and run our servers with 64-bit JVM. Could you give some detail of the problem you are facing? T...

How to multiply duration by integer?

... It works because constants have an adaptive type, based on how they are used. See this blog post by Rob Pike that explains it in detail: blog.golang.org/constants – mna Aug 28 '15 at 14:12 ...

Use HTML5 to resize an image before upload

...vert a canvas to a BLOB */ var dataURLToBlob = function(dataURL) { var BASE64_MARKER = ';base64,'; if (dataURL.indexOf(BASE64_MARKER) == -1) { var parts = dataURL.split(','); var contentType = parts[0].split(':')[1]; var raw = parts[1]; return new Blob([raw],...

How does one generate a random number in Apple's Swift language?

... Edit: Updated for Swift 3.0 arc4random works well in Swift, but the base functions are limited to 32-bit integer types (Int is 64-bit on iPhone 5S and modern Macs). Here's a generic function for a random number of a type expressible by an integer literal: public func arc4random<T: Express...

What is the purpose of the “Prefer 32-bit” setting in Visual Studio and how does it actually work?

...ly to be loaded in x64 process) and how to start the process (for new EXE) based on flags. I believe IL is the same for both flavors. – Alexei Levenkov Aug 22 '12 at 5:51 1 ...

clang: how to list supported target architectures?

...rget cpu beyond this, though it uses a sensible default for the target cpu based on the triple. Sometimes targets "resolve" to the same thing, so to see what a target is actually treated as: $ clang -target x86_64-w64-mingw32 -v 2>&1 | grep Target Target: x86_64-w64-windows-gnu ...

What is difference between sjlj vs dwarf vs seh?

...stack unwinding tables have to be included in th executables. A method based on setjmp/longjmp (SJLJ). SJLJ-based EH is much slower than DW2 EH (penalising even normal execution when no exceptions are thrown), but can work across code that has not been compiled with GCC or that does not have...

Oracle RAC FOR redhat 6.4 - 数据库(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...备一样 [rhel-source] name=Red Hat Enterprise Linux $releasever - $basearch - Source baseurl=ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/enterprise/$releasever/en/os/SRPMS/ enabled=0 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release [rhel-source-beta] name=Red Hat Enterp...

How to change Vagrant 'default' machine name?

...en 'default'. This is the name vagrant outputs on the console. Simplifying based on zook's (commenter) input Set Provider Name Vagrant.configure('2') do |config| config.vm.box = "precise64" config.vm.box_url = "http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box" config.vm.provider :virtualbox do ...