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Declaration suffix for decimal type
If I want to use a decimal literal in code, I have seen that there exists the m-suffix (where m stands for money). Is this appropriate for any decimals or is there a more general assignment (d stands for double, that is for sure not the right thing although a direct conversion is supported).
Why is the minimalist, example Haskell quicksort not a “true” quicksort?
Haskell's website introduces a very attractive 5-line quicksort function , as seen below.
11 Answers
Fastest way(s) to move the cursor on a terminal command line?
What is the best way to move around on a given very long command line in the terminal?
14 Answers
Converting String to “Character” array in Java
I want to convert a String to an array of objects of Character class but I am unable to perform the conversion. I know that I can convert a String to an array of primitive datatype type "char" with the toCharArray() method but it doesn't help in converting a String to an array of objects of C...
When should TaskCompletionSource be used?
How can I check if a program exists from a Bash script?
How would I validate that a program exists, in a way that will either return an error and exit, or continue with the script?
TimePicker Dialog from clicking EditText
I've already got a DatePicker which pops up when the user clicks on the EditText field
9 Answers
How to do a logical OR operation in shell scripting
Locate the nginx.conf file my nginx is actually using
Working on a client's server where there are two different versions of nginx installed. I think one of them was installed with the brew package manager (its an osx box) and the other seems to have been compiled and installed with the nginx packaged Makefile. I searched for all of the nginx.conf file...