大约有 18,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0496秒) [XML]
Does PostgreSQL support “accent insensitive” collations?
In Microsoft SQL Server, it's possible to specify an "accent insensitive" collation (for a database, table or column), which means that it's possible for a query like
curl -GET and -X GET
...ls that are prefixed with a X, but also offers the same methods without. I've tried both and I can't seem to figure out the difference. Can someone explain to me quickly how these two operations differ?
Cassandra port usage - how are the ports used?
When experimenting with Cassandra I've observed that Cassandra listens to the following ports:
7 Answers
Tools to generate database tables diagram with Postgresql? [closed]
Using “like” wildcard in prepared statement
Change case of a file on Windows?
...fically, I just want to change the case of the file, so that sourceCode.java becomes SourceCode.java , for example. The catch: I'm on a Windows box, and the filesystem thinks those are the same file name.
How do I create a class instance from a string name in ruby?
I have the name of a class and I want to create an instance of that class so that I can loop through each rails attribute that is present in the schema of that class.
How do I remove diacritics (accents) from a string in .NET?
I'm trying to convert some strings that are in French Canadian and basically, I'd like to be able to take out the French accent marks in the letters while keeping the letter. (E.g. convert é to e , so crème brûlée would become creme brulee )
Differences in auto-unboxing between Java 6 vs Java 7
I have noted a difference in auto unboxing behavior between Java SE 6 and Java SE 7. I'm wondering why that is, because I can't find any documentation of changes in this behavior between these two versions.
Uninstall old versions of Ruby gems
I have several versions of a Ruby gem:
6 Answers