大约有 46,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0363秒) [XML]


How important is the order of columns in indexes?

I've heard that you should put columns that will be the most selective at the beginning of the index declaration. Example: ...

How can I confirm a database is Oracle & what version it is using SQL?

I'm building an installer for an application. The user gets to select a datasource they have configured and nominate what type of database it is. I want to confirm that the database type is indeed Oracle, and if possible, what version of Oracle they are running by sending a SQL statement to the dat...

Emacs on Mac OS X Leopard key bindings

... ⌘ + → - move to end of current line Shift + any of the above extend selection by appropriate amount Click then drag - select text Double-click then drag - select text, wrapping to word ends Triple-click then drag - select text, wrapping to paragraph ends Shift + Select text with mouse - add...

How to copy data from one table to another new table in MySQL?

...hat you want: INSERT INTO table2 (st_id,uid,changed,status,assign_status) SELECT st_id,from_uid,now(),'Pending','Assigned' FROM table1 If you want to include all rows from table1. Otherwise you can add a WHERE statement to the end if you want to add only a subset of table1. I hope this helps. ...

MFC CListCtrl使用方法详解 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...DWORD dwStyle = m_list.GetExtendedStyle(); dwStyle |= LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT;//选中某行使整行高亮(只适用与report风格的listctrl) dwStyle |= LVS_EX_GRIDLINES;//网格线(只适用与report风格的listctrl) dwStyle |= LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES;//item前生成checkbox...

Get records with max value for each group of grouped SQL results

... There's a super-simple way to do this in mysql: select * from (select * from mytable order by `Group`, age desc, Person) x group by `Group` This works because in mysql you're allowed to not aggregate non-group-by columns, in which case mysql just returns the first row. T...

Adding 'serial' to existing column in Postgres

...int, b text); CREATE TABLE bar (a serial, b text); INSERT INTO foo (a, b) SELECT i, 'foo ' || i::text FROM generate_series(1, 5) i; INSERT INTO bar (b) SELECT 'bar ' || i::text FROM generate_series(1, 5) i; -- blocks of commands to turn foo into bar CREATE SEQUENCE foo_a_seq; ALTER TABLE foo ALTER...

Rename package in Android Studio

...n: In your Project pane, click on the little gear icon ( ) Uncheck / De-select the Compact Empty Middle Packages option Your package directory will now be broken up in individual directories Individually select each directory you want to rename, and: Right-click it Select Refactor Click o...

Eclipse jump to closing brace

.... edit: as mentioned by Romaintaz below, you can also get Eclipse to auto-select all of the code between two curly braces simply by double-clicking to the immediate right of a opening brace. share | ...

JComboBox Selection Change Listener?

...istener() will work, too. You may get 2 ItemEvents, though, one for the deselection of the previously selected item, and another for the selection of the new item. Just don't use both event types! share | ...