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Format an Integer using Java String Format

I am wondering if it is possible, using the String.format method in Java, to give an integer preceding zeros? 3 Answers ...

Placing an image to the top right corner - CSS

...image on the top-right corner of a div (the image is a "diagonal" ribbon) but keeping the current text contained in an internal div, like stuck to the top of it. ...

How to convert BigDecimal to Double in Java?

How we convert BigDecimal into Double in java? I have a requirement where we have to use Double as argument but we are getting BigDecimal so i have to convert BigDecimal into Double . ...

Case insensitive Query with Spring CrudRepository

With Spring CrudRepository Query; I want to select "DeviceType" entities with it's "name" property. But following query select the entitles on case sensitive manner. How I make it case insensitive way. Thanks. ...

Is “ ” a replacement of “ ”?

... to add few white spaces between two text boxes by typing space bar. The equivalent HTML source was   instead of   . So I just wanted to check: is this the new replacement for white space? If yes, any idea why they changed? ...

RegEx - Match Numbers of Variable Length

I'm trying to parse a document that has reference numbers littered throughout it. 5 Answers ...

Print All JVM Flags

Found an interesting JVM Flag : 2 Answers 2 ...

How is “int main(){(([](){})());}” valid C++?

...he beginning: [](){} is an empty lambda expression. Then, in C and C++, you can wrap expressions in parens and they behave exactly the same† as if written without them, so that's what the first pair of parens around the lambda does. We're now at ([](){}). Then, () after the first wrapping parens...

Way to read first few lines for pandas dataframe

Is there a built-in way to use read_csv to read only the first n lines of a file without knowing the length of the lines ahead of time? I have a large file that takes a long time to read, and occasionally only want to use the first, say, 20 lines to get a sample of it (and prefer not to load the...

How to get JSON objects value if its name contains dots?

I have a very simple JSON array (please focus on "points.bean.pointsBase" object): 5 Answers ...