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Case Insensitive Flask-SQLAlchemy Query

I'm using Flask-SQLAlchemy to query from a database of users; however, while 3 Answers ...

Purpose of “consider_all_requests_local” in config/environments/development.rb?

What is the purpose of this Rails config setting... 2 Answers 2 ...

What is the meaning of the term “free function” in C++?

While reading the documentation for boost::test, I came across the term "free function". What I understand is that a free function is any function that doesn't return anything (Its return type is void). But after reading further it seems that free functions also don't take any arguments. But I am no...

regex for matching something if it is not preceded by something else

... You want to use negative lookbehind like this: \w*(?<!foo)bar Where (?<!x) means "only if it doesn't have "x" before this point". See Regular Expressions - Lookaround for more information. Edit: added the \w* to cap...

How can I access an object property named as a variable in php?

A Google APIs encoded in JSON returned an object such as this 5 Answers 5 ...

Using pg_dump to only get insert statements from one table within database

... all rows as INSERT statements from one specific table within a database using pg_dump in PostgreSQL. 4 Answers ...

Unique constraint that allows empty values in MySQL

I have a field that stores product codes. The codes are unique, but some products simply doesn't have a code. I can't invent codes because those are providers codes. ...

Django fix Admin plural

...es" on admin site in the new dev django version? In the old version (whithout admin sites and admin models) you could just do this; http://www.the-dig.com/blog/post/customize-plural-name-django-admin/ ...

What is the difference between Reader and InputStream?

What is the difference between Reader and InputStream? And when to use what? If I can use Reader for reading characters why I will use inputstream, I guess to read objects? ...

How can I append a string to an existing field in MySQL?

I want to update the code on all my record to what they currently are plus _standard any ideas? 2 Answers ...