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PatternSyntaxException: Illegal Repetition when using regex in Java

I don't know much regex, but I need to match a simple pattern. The following should return true, 2 Answers ...

How to create function that returns nothing

I want to write a function with pl/pgsql . I'm using PostgresEnterprise Manager v3 and using shell to make a function, but in the shell I must define return type. If I don't define the return type, I'm not able to create a function. ...

finding the type of an element using jQuery

In jQuery, if I have a reference to an element, how can I determine what kind of element it is, for example, an input or an dropdown? Is there any way to find out? ...

How to define a reply-to address?

... Two ways: class Notifications < ActionMailer::Base default :from => 'your_app@your_domain.com', :reply_to => 'some_other_address@your_domain.com' end Or: class Contacts < ActionMailer::Base def new_contact mail( :to => 'somebody@some_domai...

Generate array of all letters and digits

Using ruby, is it possible to make an array of each letter in the alphabet and 0-9 easily? 7 Answers ...

Select all child elements recursively in CSS

How can you select all child elements recursively? 2 Answers 2 ...

Remove or adapt border of frame of legend using matplotlib

When plotting a plot using matplotlib: 2 Answers 2 ...

Object initialization syntax

I'm just starting out with F# and I can't find the syntax to do object initialization like in C# 3. 3 Answers ...

How do I view the list of functions a Linux shared library is exporting?

I want to view the exported functions of a shared library on Linux. 4 Answers 4 ...

Show control hierarchy in the WinForms designer

One of our clients has an old WinForms application that contains forms with a lot of controls on them. Some of those controls have a deep hierarchy and that makes it to hard to select them in the designer. ...