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c# datatable to csv

...able<string> fields = row.ItemArray.Select(field => string.Concat("\"", field.ToString().Replace("\"", "\"\""), "\"")); sb.AppendLine(string.Join(",", fields)); } And last suggestion, you could write the csv content line by line instead of as a whole document, to avoid having a...

How to read a file in reverse order?

...ous chunk starts right from the beginning of line # do not concat the segment to the last line of new chunk. # Instead, yield the segment first if buffer[-1] != '\n': lines[-1] += segment else: y...

How to get JavaScript caller function line number? How to get JavaScript caller source URL?

...e.log('filePath:fileNumber', something). The advantage is that now you can concat your files, transpile them... and you will still get the line share | improve this answer | ...

How to select following sibling/xml tag using xpath

...ss in the value of the @class attribute, the predicate to use is: contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' name ') . But in this question the @class attributes do have only single values. – Dimitre Novatchev Jun 15 '15 at 15:17 ...

Linux下部署企业级邮件服务器(postfix + dovecot + extmail) - 开源 & Gith...

...LD 2525 MYSQL_LOGIN_FIELD username MYSQL_HOME_FIELD concat('/var/mailbox/',homedir) MYSQL_NAME_FIELD name MYSQL_MAILDIR_FIELD concat('/var/mailbox/',maildir) 4、提供Sysv风格的服务脚本 在courier-authlib的源码解压目录下将courier-authlib.sysvini...

Is there a JavaScript function that can pad a string to get to a determined length?

...n just appends to string to be added to this pre-padded string (one string concat) and then slices or trims the result to the desired length. function pad(pad, str, padLeft) { if (typeof str === 'undefined') return pad; if (padLeft) { return (pad + str).slice(-pad.length); } else { ...

Handling optional parameters in javascript

....length); } //fire callback with args and remaining values concatenated return callback.apply(null, args.concat(values)); }; //if there are not values to process, just fire callback if (!values.length) { return done(); } //loop through configs to create mo...

How to get the difference between two arrays in JavaScript?

...arr1 .filter(x => !arr2.includes(x)) .concat(arr2.filter(x => !arr1.includes(x))); This way, you will get an array containing all the elements of arr1 that are not in arr2 and vice-versa As @Joshaven Potter pointed out on his answer, you can add this to A...

JavaScript, Node.js: is Array.forEach asynchronous?

...nt approach: function processArray(items, process) { var todo = items.concat(); setTimeout(function() { process(todo.shift()); if(todo.length > 0) { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 25); } }, 25); } and then call it with: processArray([many many el...

Remove Object from Array using JavaScript

...n x, use: someArray.splice(x, 1); Or someArray = someArray.slice(0, x).concat(someArray.slice(-x)); Reply to the comment of @chill182: you can remove one or more elements from an array using Array.filter, or Array.splice combined with Array.findIndex (see MDN), e.g. // non destructive fil...