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What is the easiest/best/most correct way to iterate through the characters of a string in Java?

StringTokenizer ? Convert the String to a char[] and iterate over that? Something else? 15 Answers ...

uint8_t can't be printed with cout

... It doesn't really print a blank, but most probably the ASCII character with value 5, which is non-printable (or invisible). There's a number of invisible ASCII character codes, most of them below value 32, which is the blank actually. You have to convert aa to unsigned int to output t...

Verifying that a string contains only letters in C#

... This assumes a latin alphabet, where Char.IsLetter allows for non-latin alphabets. – Paul van Brenk Jul 28 '09 at 7:31 5 ...

How to convert an int to string in C?

...nvert your integer value to a string. Here is an example: int num = 321; char snum[5]; // convert 123 to string [buf] itoa(num, snum, 10); // print our string printf("%s\n", snum); If you want to output your structure into a file there is no need to convert any value beforehand. You can just...

How can mixed data types (int, float, char, etc) be stored in an array?

...minated union, aka tagged union. struct { enum { is_int, is_float, is_char } type; union { int ival; float fval; char cval; } val; } my_array[10]; The type member is used to hold the choice of which member of the union is should be used for each array element. ...

Reading and writing binary file

.... I have the following code, but the buffer only stores a couple of ASCII characters from the first line in the file and nothing else. ...

const char *, char const *, char * const 异同?const修饰符各位置有何区...

const char * p = new char('a'); 这个是常字符,即p的内容不能被修改。 char const * p 意义同上,没有区别。 这时,*p = 'c'; 会报错。 char * const p = new char('a'); 这个是常指针,即p指针本身不可被修改。 这时,p = new char; 会报...

Best way to serialize an NSData into a hexadeximal string

... string of NSData. Empty string if data is empty. */ const unsigned char *dataBuffer = (const unsigned char *)[self bytes]; if (!dataBuffer) return [NSString string]; NSUInteger dataLength = [self length]; NSMutableString *hexString = [NSMutableString stri...

Convert a character digit to the corresponding integer in C

Is there a way to convert a character to an integer in C? 15 Answers 15 ...

Pointer expressions: *ptr++, *++ptr and ++*ptr

...ith your program, as it's the simplest to explain. int main() { const char *p = "Hello"; while(*p++) printf("%c",*p); return 0; } The first statement: const char* p = "Hello"; declares p as a pointer to char. When we say "pointer to a char", what does that mean? It means th...