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Difference between and ?

Every time I have to add a handler or module for ASP.NET with IIS7, the instructions always tell me to incorporate it into two sections: system.web and system.webserver . ...

Eclipse: quick search on filename

Very often while working in Eclipse I realize that I remember class name, but forgot in which package this class is. Using Search is not very convenient. Too many clicks and key presses. I wonder, is there a plugin to simplify this process? For example, would be great if there was text-edit box in t...

Objective-C Runtime: best way to check if class conforms to protocol?

I have a Class (but no instance) and need to know if it conforms to a certain protocol. However, Class can be subclassed several times and class_conformsToProtocol() ignores protocols declared on superclasses. ...

brew install gcc too time consuming

... You do need gcc installed to get gfortran, and you do need a fortran compiler for scipy. Homebrew will install a "bottled" (i.e., precompiled) version of the gcc package, which is very fast, if you have the Xcode Command Line T...

c# datatable insert column at position 0

does anyone know the best way to insert a column in a datatable at position 0? 3 Answers ...

Correct way to use _viewstart.cshtml and partial Razor views?

I'm using _viewstart.cshtml to automagically assign the same Razor Layout to my views. 1 Answer ...

Insert html in a handlebar template without escaping

...re a way to insert a string with html tags into a handlebars template without getting the tags escaped in the outcoming string? ...

Passing a URL with brackets to curl

If I try to pass a URL to curl that contains brackets, it fails with an error: 2 Answers ...

Send email with PHPMailer - embed image in body

... I found the answer: $mail->AddEmbeddedImage('img/2u_cs_mini.jpg', 'logo_2u'); and on the <img> tag put src='cid:logo_2u' share | ...

Piping buffer to external command in Vim

I am kind of a Vim novice. I would like to send contents of the current buffer to stdin of external command (lets say mail). My final purpose is to set a shortcut to quickly send email from current Vim buffer. I am guessing this should be a trivial stuff, but I couldn't find a way to send Vim buffer...