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Why {} + {} is NaN only on the client side? Why not in Node.js?

...le._commandLineAPI = new CommandLineAPI(this._commandLineAPIImpl, isEvalOnCallFrame ? object : null); expression = "with ((window && window.console && window.console._commandLineAPI) || {}) {\n" + expression + "\n}"; } var result = evalFunction.call(object, expression...

assertEquals vs. assertEqual in python

...as been deprecated as well: Method Name | Deprecated alias(es) _________________________________________________________ assertEqual() | failUnlessEqual, assertEquals From Deprecated aliases ...

Select unique or distinct values from a list in UNIX shell script

...n the following input: class jar jar jar bin bin java uniq will output all lines exactly once: class jar bin java uniq -d will output all lines that appear more than once, and it will print them once: jar bin uniq -u will output all lines that appear exactly once, and it will print them ...

How is __eq__ handled in Python and in what order?

... The a == b expression invokes A.__eq__, since it exists. Its code includes self.value == other. Since int's don't know how to compare themselves to B's, Python tries invoking B.__eq__ to see if it knows how to compare itself to an int. If you amend your ...

`if __name__ == '__main__'` equivalent in Ruby

...f there isn't really a good, clean way of doing this. EDIT: Found it. if __FILE__ == $0 foo() bar() end But it's definitely not common. share | improve this answer | ...

How to match a String against string literals in Rust?

...ething else!"), } Note that you also have to explicitly handle the catch-all case. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

iPhone - Get Position of UIView within entire UIWindow

...If your superView did not have a superView your view should not be seen at all – user4951 Mar 19 '13 at 3:41 17 ...

How to change field name in Django REST Framework

...get_alternate_name(self, obj): return obj.alternate_name Additionally, you can use serializers.CharField with source attribute: class ParkSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): location = serializers.CharField(source='other_fields') class Meta: model = Park fiel...

How to convert a string to utf-8 in Python

..."utf-8") ^ Converting to unicode and specifying the encoding. In Python 3 All strings are unicode. The unicode function does not exist anymore. See answer from @Noumenon share | improve this answer...

Can an AJAX response set a cookie?

...ink the question only makes sense for http clients that support cookie. So all question-asker only wishes to know if cookies can be written in AJAX request that means his UA supports cookies :) – this. __curious_geek Jul 27 '10 at 4:52 ...