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Cause CMAKE to generate an error

How can I get CMAKE to generate an error on a particular condition. That is, I want something like this: 1 Answer ...

C++: variable 'std::ifstream ifs' has initializer but incomplete type

Sorry if this is pretty noobish, but I'm pretty new to C++. I'm trying to open a file and read it using ifstream : 1 Answe...

MySQL Select minimum/maximum among two (or more) given values

Is it possible to SELECT the minimum or maximum among two or more values. I'd need something like this: 4 Answers ...

How do I explicitly specify a Model's table-name mapping in Rails?

I have a Model class called Countries and I want it to map to a DB table called 'cc'. 2 Answers ...

What does upstream mean in nginx?

... It's used for proxying requests to other servers. An example from http://wiki.nginx.org/LoadBalanceExample is: http { upstream myproject { server weight=3; server; server

Which is better, return “ModelAndView” or “String” on spring3 controller

The way of return ModelAndView 2 Answers 2 ...

Linq to Objects: does GroupBy preserve order of elements?

Does Enumerable.GroupBy from LINQ to Objects preserve order of elements in the groups? 1 Answer ...

How do I apply a style to all buttons of an Android application

... For Android styles, you reference the preset attributes that Android has laid out in R.attr. In this case, it looks like you want to to reference android:buttonStyle. I think this would work: <style name="ApplicationStyle" parent="android:The...

Unpack a list in Python?

I think 'unpack' might be the wrong vocabulary here - apologies because I'm sure this is a duplicate question. 3 Answers ...

NSLog with CGPoint data

I have a CGPoint called point that is being assigned a touch: 6 Answers 6 ...