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Matplotlib - Move X-Axis label downwards, but not X-Axis Ticks

I'm using Matplotlib to plot a histogram. Using tips from my previous question: Matplotlib - label each bin , I've more or less go the kinks worked out. ...

Knockout.js bound input value not updated when I use jquery .val('xyz')

I have an input that has a knockout binding to the value. 1 Answer 1 ...

Can I click a button programmatically for a predefined intent?

I need the button click of the intent ACTION_SEND. Here there is no need of displaying UI. Can I get the "Send" button click from the MMS-SMSProvider in Android? ...

Can I make the foreign key field optional in Django model

... Sure, just add blank=True, null=True for each field that you want to remain optional like subject = models.ForeignKey(subjects, blank=True, null=True) ...

Query a parameter (postgresql.conf setting) like “max_connections”

Does anyone know if it's even possible (and how, if yes) to query a database server setting in PostgreSQL (9.1)? 1 Answer ...

setup cron tab to specific time of during weekdays

I am trying to setup a cron job on a Ubuntu server. We want the cron job to run the script at certain times of the day and on some specific days of the week. For example, we want to setup a cron job that runs the script with the following sequence: ...

ggplot: How to increase spacing between faceted plots?

... histograms (obtained with the command below) which are nicely plotted one under the other. I would like to increase the spacing between them, however, they are tight. ...

Assign variables to child template in {% include %} tag Django

I have this code(which doesn't give me expected result) 1 Answer 1 ...

Combining multiple @SuppressWarnings annotations - Eclipse Indigo

So the issue is being able to combine multple warning suppressions so that each item doesn't need it's own @SuppressWarnings annotation. ...

How to abort an interactive rebase if --abort doesn't work?

I've got myself into a muddle via an interactive rebase, and I now wish to abort it. (i.e. go back to the point before I was dropped into interactive rebase mode, in my case via git pull --rebase .) The way to do this seems to be via git rebase --abort , but this doesn't work: ...