大约有 20,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0305秒) [XML]
Python Requests package: Handling xml response
I like very much the requests package and its comfortable way to handle JSON responses.
1 Answer
Omitting the first line from any Linux command output
I have a requirement where i'd like to omit the 1st line from the output of ls -latr "some path" Since I need to remove total 136 from the below output
Rsync copy directory contents but not directory itself
Try rsync -av ~/foo/ user@remote.com:/var/www/bar/
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Evaluate if list is empty JSTL
I've been trying to evaluate if this array list is empty or not but none of these have even compiled:
2 Answers
How can I count the number of matches for a regex?
matcher.find() does not find all matches, only the next match.
Solution for Java 9+
long matches = matcher.results().count();
Solution for Java 8 and older
You'll have to do the following. (Starting from Java 9, there is a nicer solution)
int count = 0;
while (matcher.find())
mongodb find by multiple array items
Depends on whether you're trying to find documents where words contains both elements (text and here) using $all:
db.things.find({ words: { $all: ["text", "here"] }});
or either of them (text or here) using $in:
db.things.find({ words: { $in:...
Android: how to make keyboard enter button say “Search” and handle its click?
I can't figure this out. Some apps have a EditText (textbox) which, when you touch it and it brings up the on-screen keyboard, the keyboard has a "Search" button instead of an enter key.
Override ActiveRecord attribute methods
An example of what I'm talking about:
4 Answers
Some questions about Automatic Reference Counting in iOS5 SDK
I'm currently developing an app for iPad. The development started for iOS 4.2 and is now continuing (and I think will be completed) for iOS 4.3.
I just read about ARC in iOS 5, and basically I understood that we will never need to release and retain objects anymore. My questions are: