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Determine if $.ajax error is a timeout

I'm utilizing the magic of jQuery.ajax( settings ) . 1 Answer 1 ...

Overwrite single file in my current branch with the same file in the master branch?

Say I have two branches - master and redesign . How would I go about overwriting the file default.aspx.cs in my redesign branch with the one from master? ...

Python - json without whitespaces

I just realized that json.dumps() adds spaces in the JSON object 2 Answers 2 ...

How does Angular $q.when work?

Can some one explain me how does $q.when work in AngularJS? I'm trying to analyse how $http work and found this: 1 Answ...

What is %2C in a URL?

I'm trying to understand the structure of a URL, and I'm seeing a lot of %2C . I'm guessing this is a result of some encoding. What does that stand for? ...

Python: One Try Multiple Except

In Python, is it possible to have multiple except statements for one try statement? Such as : 1 Answer ...

AngularJS multiple filter with custom filter function

I am trying to filter the list with multiple filters + with a custom filter function. 3 Answers ...

Git: Pull from other remote

I have created a fork from a project on GitHub. How can I now pull changes from the project that I forked from? 2 Answers ...

Getting list of lists into pandas DataFrame

...ng contents of a spreadsheet into pandas. DataNitro has a method that returns a rectangular selection of cells as a list of lists. So ...

Merge cells using EPPlus?

I'm using the EPPlus library to read/write Excel files: http://epplus.codeplex.com/ 3 Answers ...