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How to alias 'git checkout' to 'git co'

I'd like the command git co to be the same as typing git checkout . 3 Answers 3 ...

What does mc:Ignorable=“d” mean in WPF?

... xaml definitions that are "ignored" by the xaml processor. This allows you to specify information used by the designer at design time which is ignored at runtime. In your case, you can specify DesignHeight and DesignWidth, which are not "real" properties on a Window, but work in the designer for ...

Cross-referencing commits in github

I'd like to reference commits in other repos (in this case submodules) in the github issues of my main repo. Is it possible to do so without typing the full hyperlink in a way similar to how github creates a shortened hyperlink from the commit number? ...

Is there an AddRange equivalent for a HashSet in C#

With a list you can do: 2 Answers 2 ...

How do I capture bash output to the Mac OS X clipboard?

Is it possible to capture bash output to the OS X clipboard? 3 Answers 3 ...

Java: possible to line break in a properties file?

Is it possible to continue a long string on the next line in a Java properties file? 3 Answers ...

Adding command line options to CMake

I'm building a large library using CMake, and I would like users to be able to selectively enable/disable certain parts of my build process. ...

Prevent strace from abbreviating arguments?

I'm trying to use strace to find out what commands a program executes using execve . Some of the arguments in these commands are quite long, and strace is abbreviating the arguments to execve (I see "..." after about 30 characters), preventing me from getting any useful information. How can I get...

How to subtract 2 hours from user's local time?

...mple JavaScript code block that will allow me to display the local time minus 2 hours? 2 Answers ...

Removing non-repository files with git?

I'm writing Autotools code and in the process of development, tons of files are generated. 1 Answer ...