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Is there a way to pass the DB user password into the command line tool mysqladmin?

I currently use the following but it ALWAYS prompts me to manually type the password. Is there any way to pass it in on the command line when launching the executable? ...

When should i use npm with “-g” flag and why?

I've started using npm for js package management recently. Although I do have a fair understanding of package management in different enivronments(lets say using apt, rvm/gem, pythonbrew/virtualenv/pip), I don't quite understand how npm fully fits in. ...

How can I get pg_dump to authenticate properly

I have tried using host variable PGPASSWORD and .pgpass and neither of these two will allow me to authenticate to the database. I have chmod 'd .pgpass to appropriate permissions and also tried: ...

How to define several include path in Makefile

New to C++; Basic understanding of includes, libraries and the compile process. Did a few simple makefiles yet. 2 Answers ...

Install Marketplace plugin on Eclipse Juno

I downloaded the Eclipse Juno 4.2 classic bundle , and saw that Help > Marketplace... was not available. AFAIK, this is provided by the mpc plugin. On their website however, I didn't see a trace of how to install the mpc client for Juno. ...

why unaligned apk is needed?

Android gradle produces apk in two binaries: unaligned and aligned. 2 Answers 2 ...

Rails: around_* callbacks

I have read the documentation at http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Callbacks.html , but don't understand when the around_* callbacks are triggered in relation to before_* and after_* . ...

What command opens Ruby's REPL?

What command opens Ruby's REPL? 2 Answers 2 ...

Reset PHP Array Index

... The array_values() function [docs] does that: $a = array( 3 => "Hello", 7 => "Moo", 45 => "America" ); $b = array_values($a); print_r($b); Array ( [0] => Hello [1] => Moo [2] => America ) ...

What's the difference between MemoryCache.Add and MemoryCache.Set?

I read the MSDN documentation but didn't really understand it. 1 Answer 1 ...