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How do I update my forked repo using SourceTree?

I am using SourceTree (with BitBucket) to manage my code. I have forked a repo, and the parent repo has been updated. 1 An...

Comparing two CGRects

I needed to check wether the frame of my view is equal to a given CGRect. I tried doing that like this: 4 Answers ...

Set element width or height in Standards Mode

... Try declaring the unit of width: e1.style.width = "400px"; // width in PIXELS share | improve this answer | follow ...

When to use leading slash in gitignore

I'm trying to understand more clearly the .gitignore syntax, and in particular as far as https://github.com/github/gitignore gitignores are concerned. ...

Converting of Uri to String

Is it possible to convert an Uri to String and vice versa? Because I want to get the the Uri converted into String to pass into another activity via intent.putextra() and if it's not possible can anyone suggest me a way how to pass selected Uri into another activity? ...

Ruby get object keys as array

I am new to Ruby, if I have an object like this 4 Answers 4 ...

PHP variables in anonymous functions

I was playing around with anonymous functions in PHP and realized that they don't seem to reach variables outside of them. Is there any way to get around this problem? ...

How can I tell which homebrew formulae are upgradable?

I know when I brew update , it lists all ==> Updated Formulae , but when I've updated several times without running brew upgrade , how do I get a list of all apps that could be upgraded? ...

What is maximum query size for mysql?

What is maximum query size for mysql? Some times the server stops working when I fire a too long query. 2 Answers ...

Change SQLite default settings

we know when type .mode column let me see tables like column And .headers on , we can see the header of tables. But I want to know if there is any way make the two default settings? ...