大约有 43,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0391秒) [XML]


JavaScript variable number of arguments to function

...rty. This includes the arguments object. Knowing this, and that the method concat returns a copy of the 'array' it's called on, we can easily convert the arguments object to a real array like this: var args = [].concat.call(arguments). Some people prefer to use Array.prototype.concat.call instead, b...

Pandas groupby: How to get a union of strings

...is! 3 3 0.463468 a 4 4 0.643961 random sum by default concatenates In [9]: df.groupby('A')['C'].apply(lambda x: x.sum()) Out[9]: A 1 Thisstring 2 is! 3 a 4 random dtype: object You can do pretty much what you want In [11]: df.groupby('A')['C'...

Transposing a 2D-array in JavaScript

...rix.reduce((prev, next) => next.map((item, i) => (prev[i] || []).concat(next[i]) ), []); } Lodash/Underscore by marcel function tranpose(matrix) { return _.zip(...matrix); } // Without spread operator. function transpose(matrix) { return _.zip.apply(_, [[1,2,3], [1,2,3], [1,2,3]]...

Creating an empty Pandas DataFrame, then filling it?

...ire handling the index appropriately). Things you should NOT do append or concat inside a loop Here is the biggest mistake I've seen from beginners: df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['A', 'B', 'C']) for a, b, c in some_function_that_yields_data(): df = df.append({'A': i, 'B': b, 'C': c}, ignore_index=...

How do I create a PDO parameterized query with a LIKE statement?

...e LIKE with % partial matching for MySQL databases: WHERE column_name LIKE CONCAT('%', :dangerousstring, '%') where the named parameter is :dangerousstring. In other words, use explicitly unescaped % signs in your own query that are separated and definitely not the user input. Edit: Concatenati...

erb, haml or slim: which one do you suggest? And why? [closed]

...s in smaller screens visually cleaner structure has built in helpers (haml_concat, haml_capture) to utilize haml in helper methods class chaining lots of useful syntactic sugar like # for divs or . for class chaining, or :javascript for JS tags Cons whitespace dependent which makes for some har...

When to use StringBuilder in Java [duplicate]

...is supposed to be generally preferable to use a StringBuilder for string concatenation in Java. Is this always the case? ...

How does the String class override the + operator?

...ls of the string conversion context. 15.18.1. Optimization of String Concatenation : An implementation may choose to perform conversion and concatenation in one step to avoid creating and then discarding an intermediate String object. To increase the performance of repeated string conc...

Return multiple columns from pandas apply()

... series, new columns exist):') df_test = create_new_df_test() df_test = pd.concat([df_test, pd.DataFrame(columns=['size_kb', 'size_mb', 'size_gb'])]) %timeit result = df_test.apply(sizes_pass_series_return_series, axis=1) print('\nPandafied (pass series, return tuple, new columns dont exist):') df_...

how to split the ng-repeat data with three columns using bootstrap

...d format: $scope.$watch('chunkedData', function(val) { $scope.data = [].concat.apply([], val); }, true); // deep watch Many people prefer to accomplish this in the view with a filter. This is possible, but should only be used for display purposes! If you add inputs within this filtered view, it...