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Easiest way to detect Internet connection on iOS?

...through HTTPUrlConnection instantly fail if there is no connection available. This seems like completely sane behavior, and I was surprised to find NSURLConnection in iOS did not emulate it. ...

小米360同日竞技:智能手机血战再起 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...切资源整合。 2014年底开始,奇虎360就已派出大量精英软硬件团队南下,驻扎深圳,与酷派大神团队合作研发360 OS及奇酷手机。双方还招募大量业内精英加入手机团队并奔赴深圳参与工作。 对于为何再进入手机行业,周鸿祎反...

【PM干货】2015年阿里业务型PM笔试题 - 项目管理 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...营救活动也是曝光航空公司的硬实力的好机会。营救组的硬件配置、营救人员的素质、飞机的安全技术都可以借着这个机会展示给用户,增加曝光度的同时让航空公司的形象向安全、健康靠拢。 最后,在事故结束结束以后,借...

Office在线预览及PDF在线预览的实现方式大集合 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注...

...慢,不适合手机预览 需要微软的批量许可(即授权),硬件投入方面:架设一台单独的服务器(可以是虚拟机),配置过低能安装,但无法运行,另外还需一台域服务器。而这两台机器上均不能安装其它程序,比如SQLServer,在O...

How to use android emulator for testing bluetooth application?

...er settings of the virtual machine, Goto serialports -> Port 1 check Enable serial port select a port number then select port mode as disconnected click ok. now, start virtual machine. Under Devices -> USB Devices -> you can find your laptop bluetooth listed. You can simply check t...

18月磨出AXON天机 曾学忠做高端机 能为中兴品牌扛旗吗? - 资讯 - 清泛网 -...

...在中国,移动联通电信也一样,他们会一起推动。” 从硬件配置上看,AXON无疑是“优等生”。最新一代的高通骁龙TM810处理器,4GB RAM和128GB ROM,康宁最新抗菌大猩猩玻璃,4K影像录制功能的仿生平行双摄像头,双麦克风和AKM 496...

What is the appropriate HTTP status code response for a general unsuccessful request (not an error)?

...ul response and serve it to subsequent clients even when clients may be able to make a successful request. I'll leave it to you to decide between 4xx and 5xx, but you should use an error status code. share | ...

也来说说ReactOS的调试 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...嗦了,他的老家的论坛上有,然后打开虚拟机的设置->添加硬件-->串口?使用命名管道..其余默认就行.. 呵呵,开始调试喽,打开虚拟机.以调试模式运行Reactos(就是一进系统有好几个选项我们选第二个(即 ReactOS (Debug))),打开fDebug,如图: ...

科大讯飞徐景明:从语音交互到人工智能 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术


Android Studio/Intellij Idea: “Table of Contents” for a class

...I have seen. One thing that has been annoying me though is this lack of "Table of Contents" for a class. I apologize for not knowing exactly what to call it. But what I am referring to is the dropdown menu in eclipse that lists all the methods, interfaces, classes and so on that are in that class fi...