大约有 46,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0202秒) [XML]


MySQL select where column is not empty

In MySQL, can I select columns only where something exists? 13 Answers 13 ...

Blank HTML SELECT without blank item in dropdown list

... Just use disabled and/or hidden attributes: <option selected disabled hidden style='display: none' value=''></option> selected makes this option the default one. disabled makes this option unclickable. style='display: none' makes this option not displayed in older ...

Reference alias (calculated in SELECT) in WHERE clause

The calculated value BalanceDue that is set as a variable in the list of selected columns cannot be used in the WHERE clause. ...

Passing an array to a query using a WHERE clause

...y external input is sanitized. $ids = join("','",$galleries); $sql = "SELECT * FROM galleries WHERE id IN ('$ids')"; share | improve this answer | follow ...

How to remove the default arrow icon from a dropdown list (select element)?

I want to remove the dropdown arrow from a HTML <select> element. For example: 12 Answers ...

SELECT INTO using Oracle

I'm trying to do a SELECT INTO using Oracle. My query is: 3 Answers 3 ...

How to get multiple counts with one SQL query?

...tion. This is basically the same thing as a PIVOT function in some RDBMS: SELECT distributor_id, count(*) AS total, sum(case when level = 'exec' then 1 else 0 end) AS ExecCount, sum(case when level = 'personal' then 1 else 0 end) AS PersonalCount FROM yourtable GROUP BY distributor_id ...

Sublime Text 2 multiple line edit

...t and edit all lines at once. It's also called "Split into Lines" in the "Selection" menu. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Insertion Sort vs. Selection Sort

I am trying to understand the differences between Insertion Sort and Selection Sort. 20 Answers ...

Check if a row exists, otherwise insert

... I assume a single row for each flight? If so: IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Bookings WHERE FLightID = @Id) BEGIN --UPDATE HERE END ELSE BEGIN -- INSERT HERE END I assume what I said, as your way of doing things can overbook a flight, as it will insert a new row when there are 1...