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Trying to load jquery into tampermonkey script

... You need to have a @require in the user script header to load jQuery. Something like: // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js (Selecting your desired version from the of list of available versions of jQuery) ...

How do I keep jQuery UI Accordion collapsed by default?

I am working with jQuery UI Accordion and it works great, but I would like to have the accordion stay closed unless it I click on it. ...

What does “Receiver type 'CALayer' for instance message is a forward declaration” mean here?

...orting a block of code from an iOS4 project to iOS5 and I'm having some troubles with ARC. The code generates a PDF from a screen capture. ...

Good way to use table alias in Update statement?

I'm using SQL Server, and trying to update rows from within the same table. I want to use a table alias for readability. 2 ...

Can you have a within a ?

Here is the story: I'm using SWFObject to insert a Flash object into my page. The embedding eats my span . So, I lose all my CSS for it. I was thinking of moving all of the CSS to the parent so I don't lose my CSS styles when the Flash appears. ...

What is the zero for string?

The documentation says : 2 Answers 2 ...

Rounding BigDecimal to *always* have two decimal places

I'm trying to round BigDecimal values up, to two decimal places. 1 Answer 1 ...

How to set std::tuple element by index?

One can get an element from std::tuple by index using std::get . Analogically, how to set tuple's element by index? 2 ...

How to do a safe join pathname in ruby?

My Rails development environment is Windows-based, and my production environment is Linux-based. 2 Answers ...

XPath to select element based on childs child value

Trying to select an element based on the value of one of it's childrens childrens 1 Answer ...