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How to change int into int64?

Im trying to convert an integer into an integer64 in go but im having no luck. Anyone know an easy way to do this? 3 Answer...

What is ?= in Makefile

... indicates to set the KDIR variable only if it's not set/doesn't have a value. For example: KDIR ?= "foo" KDIR ?= "bar" test: echo $(KDIR) Would print "foo" GNU manual: http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Setting.html ...

django - query filter on manytomany is empty

In Django is there a way to filter on a manytomany field being empty or null. 2 Answers ...

Calling static generic methods

I have come across a curious situation involving static generic methods. This is the code: 1 Answer ...

Python Flask Intentional Empty Response

Is there a way to return a response (from make_response() object or similar) with certain properties so that it doesn't render the page again and doesn't do anything else either. I am trying to run a code on the server without generating any output ...

How do you determine which backend is being used by matplotlib?

Either interactively, such as from within an Ipython session, or from within a script, how can you determine which backend is being used by matplotlib? ...

Haskell export current module with additional imported module

Is it possible to write a module in Haskell, which re-exports a module in addition to exporting everything visible inside? ...

C++ template typedef

... generalization of typedef, allowing templates: template <size_t N> using Vector = Matrix<N, 1>; The type Vector<3> is equivalent to Matrix<3, 1>. In C++03, the closest approximation was: template <size_t N> struct Vector { typedef Matrix<N, 1> type; };...

Can someone explain the HTML5 aria-* attribute?

I wanted to know what the aria-* attributes are used for. What values can they have, and are they defined values or can I create my own values? ...

How to combine two jQuery results

How do you combine two jQuery search results? eg: 1 Answer 1 ...