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Conditional Variable vs Semaphore

... be to just doing something like: //pseudocode while(!queue.empty()) { sleep(1); } The problem with this is that you're wasting processor time by having this thread repeatedly check the condition. Why not instead have a synchronization variable that can be signaled to tell the thread that the...

Python to print out status bar and percentage

.... A simple example of how to use it: import progressbar from time import sleep bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=20, \ widgets=[progressbar.Bar('=', '[', ']'), ' ', progressbar.Percentage()]) bar.start() for i in xrange(20): bar.update(i+1) sleep(0.1) bar.finish() To install it, y...

Measuring code execution time

...start the instance of Stopwatch //your sample code System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); share | improve this answer | ...

How to get awaitable Thread.Sleep?

I'm writing a network-bound application based on await/sleep paradigm. 1 Answer 1 ...

Handling InterruptedException in Java

... as Callable, or follow the second approach above.   Calling Thread.sleep: You're attempting to read a file and the spec says you should try 10 times with 1 second in between. You call Thread.sleep(1000). So, you need to deal with InterruptedException. For a method such as tryToReadFile it ma...

How and when to use ‘async’ and ‘await’

...wait must be marked async. // This line is reached after the 5 seconds sleep from DoSomethingAsync() method. Shouldn't it be reached immediately? No, because async methods are not run on another thread by default. // Is this executed on a background thread? No. You may find my async/...

How to send SMS in Java

...+CMGS="+quotes + phoneNumber +quotes+ "\r\n"); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // send("AT+CMGS=\""+ phoneNumber +"\"\r\n"); send(message + '\032'); S...

Simulating tremor (from e.g. Parkinson's Disease) with the mouse on a webpage?

...of(event)); write(fd, &event_end, sizeof(event_end)); usleep(randomTill(ta)); } close(fd); return 0; } My full code for the issue be found here. The program will ask for amplitude of "tremor" and it's frequency (thus, how many time in micro-seconds are between "tre...

What is the Python equivalent of Matlab's tic and toc functions?

... to fully use tic() and toc() just as in Matlab. For example tic() time.sleep(5) toc() # returns "Elapsed time: 5.00 seconds." Actually, this is more versatile than the built-in Matlab functions. Here, you could create another instance of the TicTocGenerator to keep track of multiple operatio...

Really killing a process in Windows

...es could survive a kill -9 if they are in what's known as "Uninterruptible sleep" (shown by top and ps as state D) at which point the processes sleep so well that they can't process incoming signals (which is what kill does - sending signals). Normally, Uninterruptible sleep should not last long, b...