大约有 43,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0156秒) [XML]
How to remove all MySQL tables from the command-line without DROP database permissions? [duplicate]
...execute it:
SET @tables = NULL;
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT('`', table_schema, '`.`', table_name, '`') INTO @tables
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = 'database_name'; -- specify DB name here.
SET @tables = CONCAT('DROP TABLE ', @tables);
Append an array to another array in JavaScript [duplicate]
...embers of arrays 2 and 3 at once.
array1.push.apply(array1, array2.concat(array3));
To deal with large arrays, you can do this in batches.
for (var n = 0, to_add = array2.concat(array3); n < to_add.length; n+=300) {
array1.push.apply(array1, to_add.slice(n, n+300));
If you ...
Append column to pandas dataframe
Or pd.concat([dat1, dat2], axis=1) in this case.
Dec 16 '13 at 3:35
Cartesian product of multiple arrays in JavaScript
...aScript, no lodash, underscore or other libraries:
let f = (a, b) => [].concat(...a.map(a => b.map(b => [].concat(a, b))));
let cartesian = (a, b, ...c) => b ? cartesian(f(a, b), ...c) : a;
This is the same as above but improved to strictly follow the Airbnb JavaScript Style Gui...
Fast permutation -> number -> permutation mapping algorithms
...Position[i], iOutPosition[i] + 1);
this.sOutStr = this.sOutStr.concat(sTempStr);
return this.sOutStr;
public int[] PermGetIntArray(int iIndex)
if (!this.bGoodToGo) return null;
if (!this.PermEvaluate(iIndex)) return null ;
How to make a query with group_concat in sql server [duplicate]
I know that in sql server we cannot use Group_concat function but here is one issue i have in which i need to Group_Concat my query.I google it found some logic but not able to correct it.My sql query is
Why use String.Format? [duplicate]
Why would anyone use String.Format in C# and VB .NET as opposed to the concatenation operators ( & in VB, and + in C#)?
Copy array by value
...ually show that var arr2 = arr1.slice() is just as fast as var arr2 = arr1.concat(); JSPerf: jsperf.com/copy-array-slice-vs-concat/5 and jsperf.com/copy-simple-array . The result of jsperf.com/array-copy/5 kind of surprised me to the point I am wondering if the test code is valid.
How to skip over an element in .map()?
...urce and returns something that looks like the accumulator
// 1. create a concat reducing function that can be passed into `reduce`
const concat = (acc, input) => acc.concat([input])
// note that [1,2,3].reduce(concat, []) would return [1,2,3]
// transforming your reducing function by mapping
String output: format or concat in C#?
Let's say that you want to output or concat strings. Which of the following styles do you prefer?
31 Answers