大约有 47,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0835秒) [XML]


Multithreading: What is the point of more threads than cores?

...ou probably have several hundred threads all running on your machine right now. You won't ever get a situation where a thread runs without having time 'stolen' from it. (Well, you might if it's running real-time, if you're using a realtime OS or, even on Windows, use a real-time thread priority. ...

why does DateTime.ToString(“dd/MM/yyyy”) give me dd-MM-yyyy?

... Escaping the format string using backslash does also work: DateTime.Now.ToString("dd\\/MM\\/yyyy"); – TomB Jan 30 '15 at 8:42  |  show ...

Run PostgreSQL queries from the command line

I inserted a data into a table....I wanna see now whole table with rows and columns and data. How I can display it through command? ...

Summarizing multiple columns with dplyr? [duplicate]

...x. I have a data frame with different variables and one grouping variable. Now I want to calculate the mean for each column within each group, using dplyr in R. ...

PadLeft function in T-SQL

... SQL Server now supports the FORMAT function starting from version 2012, so: SELECT FORMAT(id, '0000') FROM TableA will do the trick. If your id or column is in a varchar and represents a number you convert first: SELECT FORMAT(CON...

What is object slicing?

...nk casting back (since not a pointer arithmetic) will work , A a = b; a is now object of type A which has copy of B::foo. It will be mistake to cast it back now i think. – user72424 Aug 12 '11 at 12:27 ...

Move existing, uncommitted work to a new branch in Git

... you have been making commits on your main branch while you coded, but you now want to move those commits to a different branch, this is a quick way: Copy your current history onto a new branch, bringing along any uncommitted changes too: git checkout -b <new-feature-branch> Now force the ...

How can I reliably get an object's address when operator& is overloaded?

...regular member functions of a template class, thanks for pointing it out. (Now I just need to figure out what is the use of the overload, any tip ?) – Matthieu M. Jun 27 '11 at 16:50 ...

How to send a message to a particular client with socket.io

I'm starting with socket.io + node.js, I know how to send a message locally and to broadcast socket.broadcast.emit() function:- all the connected clients receive the same message. ...

The permissions granted to user ' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)"}

... I know it's for a long time ago but you (or any other new comers) can resolve this issue by Add the [Domain\User] to Administrator, IISUser, SQLReportingUser groups Delete Encryption Key in SSRS configuration tools ReRun the D...