大约有 46,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0262秒) [XML]


Is there a way to quickly capitalize the variable name in Eclipse

... Windows After you press Alt+Shift+R as mentioned by kostja, you can select the text you want to change, then Ctrl+Shift+Y for lowercase, or Ctrl+Shift+X for uppercase. Mac OS Cmd+Shift+Y lowercase Cmd+Shift+X uppercase There is no intelligence in this. It just blindly changes the case...

How can I get around MySQL Errcode 13 with SELECT INTO OUTFILE?

I am trying to dump the contents of a table to a csv file using a MySQL SELECT INTO OUTFILE statement. If I do: 13 Answers...

how to check the dtype of a column in python pandas

...know this is a bit of an old thread but with pandas 19.02, you can do: df.select_dtypes(include=['float64']).apply(your_function) df.select_dtypes(exclude=['string','object']).apply(your_other_function) http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/version/0.19.2/generated/pandas.DataFrame.select_dtypes.h...

Create Test Class in IntelliJ

... Use the menu selection Navigate -> Test, or Ctrl+Shift+T (Shift+⌘+T on Mac). This will go to the existing test class, or offer to generate it for you through a little wizard. ...

How to fetch the row count for all tables in a SQL SERVER database [duplicate]

... EXEC sp_MSForEachTable @command1='INSERT #counts (table_name, row_count) SELECT ''?'', COUNT(*) FROM ?' SELECT table_name, row_count FROM #counts ORDER BY table_name, row_count DESC DROP TABLE #counts The output will be a list of tables and their row counts. If you just want the total row count...

No identities were available - administrator request

...uble click) the new provisioning profile. In your project's build settings select the NEW provisioning profile (it might have the same name as the old one) In your project's build settings update your code signing identities (all of them) to the new one if there is one. (The old one was probably exp...

Replacement for “rename” in dplyr

... The next version of dplyr will support an improved version of select that also incorporates renaming: > mtcars2 <- select( mtcars, disp2 = disp ) > head( mtcars2 ) disp2 Mazda RX4 160 Mazda RX4 Wag 160 Datsun 710 108 Hornet 4 Drive 258 H...

Importing a Maven project into Eclipse from Git

...t. M2Eclipse will help you along by prompting you on the Import menu. Select the "Import..." context menu from the Package Explorer view Select "Check out Maven projects from SCM" option under the Maven category On the window that is presented choose the link "Find more SCM connectors in the m2...

How to reset sequence in postgres and fill id column with new data?

... SELECT setval('seq', 1, FALSE) should do the same (here, the third argument, FALSE, does the magic, as it shows that nextval must be 1 instead of 2) – Vasilen Donchev Sep 22 '15 at 14:43...

How do I autoindent in Netbeans?

...s -> Keymap, then look for the action called "Re-indent current line or selection" and set whatever shortcut you want. share | improve this answer | follow ...