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Why should hash functions use a prime number modulus?

...or likely cases, since collisions reduce the efficiency of the hashtable. Now, suppose someone puts a whole bunch of values into a hashtable that have some relationship between the items, like all having the same first character. This is a fairly predictable usage pattern, I'd say, so we don't want...

Handling file renames in git

... In git 1.9.1 git status now behaves like git commit. – Jacques René Mesrine Oct 5 '15 at 16:11  |  ...

Using the Swift if let with logical AND operator &&

We know that we can use an if let statement as a shorthand to check for an optional nil then unwrap. 6 Answers ...

Postgresql: password authentication failed for user “postgres”

... user as "postgres" and password "postgres", because it worked before. But now authentication is failed. I did it before a couple of times without this problem. What should I do? And what happens? ...

What is move semantics?

...f the new features made sense to me, and I am actually excited about C++0x now, with the exception of one. I still don't get move semantics ... What is it exactly? ...

Create a devise user from Ruby console

...e, make sure you are setting the confirmed_at value to something like Time.now while creating. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Is there a quicker / better way to clear the iPhone Simulator cache than deleting its directory?

...o the Keyboard Shortcut:. (I use command-period) Click the Add button. Now, while in your iOS Simulator, you can simply use your new shortcut key to reset. If the Simulator doesn't appear in the drop down list: In a Finder window, go to your Applications folder. Right-click Xcode and choose...

Install gitk on Mac

Does anyone know how to install gitk on Mac? 13 Answers 13 ...

Measuring elapsed time with the Time module

...seconds consider the following: import datetime start = datetime.datetime.now() # some code end = datetime.datetime.now() elapsed = end - start print(elapsed) # or print(elapsed.seconds,":",elapsed.microseconds) strftime documentation ...

Build an iOS app without owning a mac? [closed]

...gin developer account you can download Xcode IDE's .dmg file That's all. Now you just install Xcode and start developing iOS apps and test/debug with Simulator.. 2. iPhone/iPad (iOS) app development and Publish to iTunes Store for publishing your app on iTunes store you need to pay (example $99 ...