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Non-alphanumeric list order from os.listdir()

...ve noticed that the default order of the lists has changed to something almost nonsensical. For example, if I am in a current directory containing the following subdirectories: run01, run02, ... run19, run20, and then I generate a list from the following command: ...

How to get an absolute file path in Python

... >>> import os >>> os.path.abspath("mydir/myfile.txt") 'C:/example/cwd/mydir/myfile.txt' Also works if it is already an absolute path: >>> import os >>> os.path.abspath("C:/example/cwd/mydir/myfile.txt") 'C:...

How to join components of a path when you are constructing a URL in Python

... Since, from the comments the OP posted, it seems he doesn't want to preserve "absolute URLs" in the join (which is one of the key jobs of urlparse.urljoin;-), I'd recommend avoiding that. os.path.join would also be bad, for exactly the same reason. So, I'd...

Determining Whether a Directory is Writeable

...or the user executing the script? Since this will likely involve using the os module I should mention I'm running it under a *nix environment. ...

How to get the PATH environment-variable separator in Python?

...ries need to be concatenated, as in an executable search path, there is an os-dependent separator character. For Windows it's ';' , for Linux it's ':' . Is there a way in Python to get which character to split on? ...

How to read/write from/to file using Go?

...to read and write files in Go. Because file API has changed recently and most other answers don't work with Go 1. They also miss bufio which is important IMHO. In the following examples I copy a file by reading from it and writing to the destination file. Start with the basics package main impo...

Technically, why are processes in Erlang more efficient than OS threads?

... There are several contributing factors: Erlang processes are not OS processes. They are implemented by the Erlang VM using a lightweight cooperative threading model (preemptive at the Erlang level, but under the control of a cooperatively scheduled runtime). This means that it is much chea...

How can I use Python to get the system hostname?

... Use socket and its gethostname() functionality. This will get the hostname of the computer where the Python interpreter is running: import socket print(socket.gethostname()) ...

How to use the C socket API in C++ on z/OS

...'m having issues getting the C sockets API to work properly in C++ on z/OS . 9 Answers ...

Python, add trailing slash to directory string, os independently

... os.path.join(path, '') will add the trailing slash if it's not already there. You can do os.path.join(path, '', '') or os.path.join(path_with_a_trailing_slash, '') and you will still only get one trailing slash. ...