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Swift: Determine iOS Screen size [duplicate]

...use Swift code to properly position items in my app for no matter what the screen size is. For example, if I want a button to be 75% of the screen wide, I could do something like (screenWidth * .75) to be the width of the button. I have found that this could be determined in Objective-C by doing ...

iOS 6 apps - how to deal with iPhone 5 screen size? [duplicate]

I was just wondering with how should we deal with the iPhone 5 bigger screen size. 8 Answers ...

What is the difference between onPause() and onStop() of Android Activites?

... question which activity is considered fully opaque and covering the whole screen and which isn't. This decision is based on the window containing the activity. If the window has a flag windowIsFloating or windowIsTranslucent, then it is considered that the activity doesn't make the underlying stuff...

Detect current device with UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() in Swift

... so for the strict definition of the device can be used this code struct ScreenSize { static let SCREEN_WIDTH = UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width static let SCREEN_HEIGHT = UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height static let SCREEN_MAX_LENGTH = max(ScreenSize.SCREEN_WIDTH, Scre...

How do I clear the terminal screen in Haskell?

How can I clear a terminal screen after my user has selected an option from my application's menu? 8 Answers ...

How do I move the turtle in LOGO? [closed]

...11 - Grey 1 12 - Grey 2 13 - Light Green 14 - Light Blue 15 - Grey 3 CLEARSCREEN [CS] - Clear Screen without moving turtle DRAW - Clear Screen and take turtle home EACH - Tell several sprites, whose numbers are in a list, to accept commands in a second list, e.g. EACH [1 2] [SQUARE 10] FORWARD ## [...

How to detect page zoom level in all modern browsers?

...project that can be cloned: https://github.com/tombigel/detect-zoom IE8: screen.deviceXDPI / screen.logicalXDPI (or, for the zoom level relative to default zoom, screen.systemXDPI / screen.logicalXDPI) IE7: var body = document.body,r = body.getBoundingClientRect(); return (r.left-r.right)/body.off...

What is the difference between max-device-width and max-width for mobile web?

...x-device-width and max-width ? I need to use different css for different screen size. 8 Answers ...

Android: allow portrait and landscape for tablets, but force portrait on phone?

...olean(R.bool.portrait_only)){ setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT); } Devices that are more than 600 dp in the smallest width direction, or x-large on pre-Android 3.2 devices (tablets, basically) will behave like normal, based on sensor and user-locked rota...

How do you hide the Address bar in Google Chrome for Chrome Apps?

I want to increase the screen real estate for my Chrome app. The Address Bar is useless in a Chrome App and I was wondering if there was a way to disable it. ...