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When is -XAllowAmbiguousTypes appropriate?

I've recently posted a question about syntactic-2.0 regarding the definition of share . I've had this working in GHC 7.6 : ...

How can I find the number of days between two Date objects in Ruby?

... This may have changed in Ruby 2.0 When I do this I get a fraction. For example on the console (either irb or rails c) 2.0.0-p195 :005 > require 'date' => true 2.0.0-p195 :006 > a_date = Date.parse("25/12/2013") => #<Date: 2013-12-25 (...

https connection using CURL from command line

...=Google Internet Authority G2 * SSL certificate verify ok. * Server GFE/2.0 is not blacklisted * Connection #0 to host www.google.com left intact share | improve this answer | ...

Extract only right most n letters from a string

...an a regular expression. An extension method (or standard function if .NET 2.0) is the best solution. – stevehipwell Nov 12 '09 at 14:57 ...

File tree view in Notepad++

... I attempted SherlXplorer in Windows 8.1 (with .net 2.0 enabled) and it is a Notepad++ xploder! Error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". – Shane Feb 20 '14 at 23:00 ...

C++11 features in Visual Studio 2012

...as not part of Visual Studio 2010: rvalue references to version 2.1 from 2.0 lambdas to version 1.1 from 1.0. decltype to version 1.1 from 1.0(not yet available in developer preview) Improved, but still incomplete, Alignment completed strongly-typed enums forward declared enums Standard layout and...

Get Current Area Name in View or Controller

...re? As far as I can remember it worked when we ran our app on ASP.NET Core 2.0 and is still working now in ASP.NET Core 2.1 (tested moments ago). – zerox981 Oct 30 '18 at 15:02 ...

Regular expression to match URLs in Java

...droid Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law...

Understanding PrimeFaces process/update and JSF f:ajax execute/render attributes

... during an ajax request. See also What is the correct way to deal with JSF 2.0 exceptions for AJAXified components? The standard JSF equivalent to the PrimeFaces specific update is render from <f:ajax render>. It behaves exactly the same except that it doesn't support a comma-separated string ...

Configure Microsoft.AspNet.Identity to allow email address as username

... In my case, running in VS 2013 C#, MVC 5.2.2, using ASP.NET Identity 2.0, the solution was to update the ApplicationUserManager constructor inside App_Start\IdentityConfig.cs like so: public ApplicationUserManager(IUserStore<ApplicationUser> store) : base(store) { th...