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process.env.NODE_ENV is undefined

... To set an environment variable in Windows: SET NODE_ENV=development on OS X or Linux: export NODE_ENV=development share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Why can't strings be mutable in Java and .NET?

...ss authentication which is necessary before the call will be passed to OS. If String was mutable it was possible somehow to modify its content after the authentication check before OS gets request from program then it is possible to request any file. So if you have a right to open te...

How to Select Columns in Editors (Atom,Notepad++, Kate, VIM, Sublime, Textpad,etc) and IDEs (NetBean

...w keys to select columns without the mouse. – Brian Koser Nov 14 '11 at 16:08 +1 for quad-click-drag. I know Vim users...

Bash Script : what does #!/bin/bash mean? [duplicate]

... When bash is run as sh, it behaves differently (more POSIX-like) than when it is run as bash. Read the manual; it does cover that detail. – Jonathan Leffler Dec 14 '12 at 3:14 ...

Stop UIWebView from “bouncing” vertically?

....seems to work fine. It'll be accepted to App Store as well. Update: in iOS 5.x+ there's an easier way - UIWebView has scrollView property, so your code can look like this: webView.scrollView.bounces = NO; Same goes for WKWebView. ...

How is mime type of an uploaded file determined by browser?

...st to catch types that we can // deduce but that we also want to allow the OS to override. The hard-coded lists come a bit earlier in the file: https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/net/base/mime_util.cc?l=170 (kPrimaryMappings and kSecondaryMappings). An example: when uploading a CSV file from a Wi...

How to show the last queries executed on MySQL?

... For those blessed with MySQL >= 5.1.12, you can control this option globally at runtime: Execute SET GLOBAL log_output = 'TABLE'; Execute SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON'; Take a look at the table mysql.general_log If you prefe...

I change the capitalization of a directory and Git doesn't seem to pick up on it

I'm developing a project on OS X Lion that is under Git version control. I had these lowercase directories and then later capitalized them (e.g. emailaddresses => EmailAddresses), but Git doesn't seem to recognize the change. It still thinks the directories are lowercase when I run git ls-files an...

Linq to Sql: Multiple left outer joins

...in example var results = from expense in expenseDataContext.ExpenseDtos where expense.Id == expenseId //some expense id that was passed in from category // left join on categories table if exists in expenseDataContext.CategoryDtos .Where(c => c.Id =...

Is file append atomic in UNIX?

... granted when we append to a file in UNIX from multiple processes? Is it possible to lose data (one process overwriting the other's changes)? Is it possible for data to get mangled? (For example, each process is appending one line per append to a log file, is it possible that two lines get mangle...