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How do I convert between big-endian and little-endian values in C++?

... If you're using Visual C++ do the following: You include intrin.h and call the following functions: For 16 bit numbers: unsigned short _byteswap_ushort(unsigned short value); For 32 bit numbers: unsigned long _byteswap_ulong(unsigned long value); For 64 bit numbers: unsigned __int64 _byt...

List directory tree structure in python?

I know that we can use os.walk() to list all sub-directories or all files in a directory. However, I would like to list the full directory tree content: ...

How to convert JSON data into a Python object

...ry, the order of items will directly correspond.". Good to know for such small, local code blocks. I'd add a comment though to explicitly alert maintainers of code of such a dependency. – cfi Jun 1 '16 at 7:33 ...

String concatenation in Ruby

...ficient in term of memory/speed from what I've seen (not measured though). All three methods will throw an uninitialized constant error when ROOT_DIR is nil. When dealing with pathnames, you may want to use File.join to avoid messing up with pathname separator. In the end, it is a matter of taste....

top -c command in linux to filter processes listed based on processname

Top lists all the processes, there are good options to filter the processes by username by using the option -u but I am wondering if there is any easy way to filter the processes based on processname listed under COMMAND column of the top output. ...

How can a LEFT OUTER JOIN return more records than exist in the left table?

I have a very basic LEFT OUTER JOIN to return all results from the left table and some additional information from a much bigger table. The left table contains 4935 records yet when I LEFT OUTER JOIN it to an additional table the record count is significantly larger. ...

Performance difference for control structures 'for' and 'foreach' in C#

...t will depend on whether you're doing any real work in the loop. In almost all cases, the difference to performance won't be significant, but the difference to readability favours the foreach loop. I'd personally use LINQ to avoid the "if" too: foreach (var item in list.Where(condition)) { } EDI...

Iterate over model instance field names and values in template

...f that instance in table format, with the field name (verbose_name specifically if specified on the field) in the first column and the value of that field in the second column. ...

Programmatically open new pages on Tabs

...cript you can use window.open('page.html','_newtab'); Said that, I partially agree with Sam. You shouldn't force user to open new pages or new tab without showing them a hint on what is going to happen before they click on the link. Let me know if it works on other browser too (I don't have a ch...

Creating a dynamic choice field

...ted May 27 '16 at 18:04 Tim Tisdall 8,27033 gold badges4141 silver badges6767 bronze badges answered Aug 6 '10 at 2:17 ...