大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0490秒) [XML]


Get bitcoin historical data [closed]

...hole Bitcoin trades history from Bitcoincharts in CSV format here : http://api.bitcoincharts.com/v1/csv/ it is updated twice a day for active exchanges, and there is a few dead exchanges, too. EDIT: Since there are no column headers in the CSVs, here's what they are : column 1) the trade's timesta...

如何选择机器学习算法 - 大数据 & AI - 清泛网移动版 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...给个合适的核函数,它就能运行得很好。在动辄超高维的文本分类问题中特别受欢迎。可惜内存消耗大,难以解释,运行和调参也有些烦人,所以我认为随机森林要开始取而代之了。 But… 然而。。。 Recall, though, that ...

Scala: What is a TypeTag and how do I use it?

All I know about TypeTags is that they somehow replaced Manifests. Information on the Internet is scarce and doesn't provide me with a good sense of the subject. ...

Facebook Graph API, how to get users email?

...ress is to request extended permissions on the email field. The user must allow you to see this and you cannot get the e-mail addresses of the user's friends. http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/permissions You can do this if you are using Facebook connect by passing scope=email in...

TCP 的那些事儿(上) - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术


Python “raise from” usage

... @darkfeline: Lets say your database API supports opening databases from various sources, including the web and disk. Your API will always raise a DatabaseError if opening the database fails. But if the failure is the result of a IOError because a file failed to...

How to select a single field for all documents in a MongoDB collection?

... include several fields. In the following operation, find() method returns all documents that match the query. In the result set, only the item and qty fields and, by default, the _id field return in the matching documents. db.inventory.find( { type: 'food' }, { item: 1, qty: 1 } ) In this example ...

Patterns for handling batch operations in REST web services?

... or resource attributes. That is, update each markedAsRead attribute. Basically, instead of treating the attribute as part of each resource, you treat it as a bucket into which to put resources. One example was already posted. I adjusted it a little. POST /mail?markAsRead=true POSTDATA: ids=[0,1,2]...

How to Copy Text to Clip Board in Android?

... In androidx it actually becomes ClipboardManager clipboard = getSystemService(getContext(), ClipboardManager.class); – HoratioCain Apr 25 '19 at 18:30 ...

Inject errors into already validated form?

...external) process for further processing. This external process can potentially find further errors in the values. 4 Answer...