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Do htmlspecialchars and mysql_real_escape_string keep my PHP code safe from injection?

... check that a variable we were using as a number, was actually numeric. In PHP you should widely use a set of functions to check that inputs are integers, floats, alphanumeric etc. But when it comes to SQL, heed most the value of the prepared statement. The above code would have been secure if it ...

从一个开发的角度看负载均衡和LVS - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...允许的情况下我们会采用软负载,软负载解决的两个核心问题是:选谁、转发,其中最著名的是LVS(Linux Virtual Server)。 三、软负载——LVS LVS是四层负载均衡,也就是说建立在OSI模型的第四层——传输层之上,传输层上有...

为什么我们程序员写不出好代码? - 杂谈 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...提交的仓库里。如果代码行数都计算在内的话,原本一个问题只需10行代码即可解决,程序员有可能编写5000行代码,来让功能更加灵活和兼容,这样,他的代码总量就会增加5000行了。 衡量生产力反而会使代码变的更糟,让项目...

jQuery UI Sortable, then write order into a database

...Ted array and update the elements' positions accordingly. For example, in PHP: $i = 0; foreach ($_POST['item'] as $value) { // Execute statement: // UPDATE [Table] SET [Position] = $i WHERE [EntityId] = $value $i++; } Example on jsFiddle. ...

Unexpected results when working with very big integers on interpreted languages

...et the sum of 1 + 2 + ... + 1000000000 , but I'm getting funny results in PHP and Node.js . 36 Answers ...

Laravel migration: unique key is too long, even if specified

...tions guide to fix this all you have to do is edit your AppServiceProvider.php file and inside the boot method set a default string length: use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Builder; public function boot() { Builder::defaultStringLength(191); } ...

PHP: Storing 'objects' inside the $_SESSION

... is made, the class declaration/definition has already been encountered by PHP or can be found by an already-installed autoloader. otherwise it would not be able to deserialize the object from the session store. share ...

Java 理论与实践: 线程池与工作队列 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...佳资源利用率,贴在我们多线程 Java 编程论坛上最常见的问题之一是“怎样创建线程池?”。几乎在每个服务器应用程序中都会出现线程池和工作队列问题。本文中,Brian Goetz 探讨了线程池的动机、一些基本实现和调优技术以及...

Get current domain

...ometimes forget which one to use myself - I think this can be nifty. <?php // Change banana.com to the domain you were looking for.. $wordToHighlight = "banana.com"; $serverVarHighlighted = str_replace( $wordToHighlight, '<span style=\'background-color:#883399; color: #FFFFFF;\'&g...

In where shall I use isset() and !empty()

...riables and not just values, so isset("foobar") will raise an error. As of PHP 5.5, empty supports both variables and expressions. So your first question should rather be if isset returns true for a variable that holds an empty string. And the answer is: $var = ""; var_dump(isset($var)); The typ...