大约有 43,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0281秒) [XML]
Is it possible to delete an object's property in PHP?
...ght mind, convert an array into an object? It just makes no sense (even if PHP allows it). I will not encorage and spread bad programming habits by commenting on this :) No offense.
– Yanick Rochon
Mar 21 '14 at 2:54
How to convert PascalCase to pascal_case?
$output = strtolower(preg_replace('/(?<!^)[A-Z]/', '_$0', $input));
PHP Demo |
Regex Demo
Note that cases like SimpleXML will be converted to simple_x_m_l using the above solution. That can also be considered a wrong usage of camel case notation (correct would be SimpleXml) rather than a b...
How do I get the last inserted ID of a MySQL table in PHP?
mysql_(...) is deprecated in PHP >= 5.5 version.
– Iago
Oct 30 '14 at 2:12
How to use getJSON, sending data with post method?
...o the URL. This is the way to use it:
$.postJSON("http://example.com/json.php",{ id : 287 }, function (data) {
The server must be prepared to handle the callback GET parameter and return the json string as:
jsonp000000 ({"name":"John", "age": 25});
in which "json...
CDN(内容分发网络)技术原理 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
How do I obtain crash-data from my Android application?
...tion. If you decide to upload the stacktraces to the server, you can use a php script (index.php) to view them. If you're interested, you can find all the sources below - one java class for your application and two optional php scrips for the server hosting the uploaded stacktraces.
In a Context (e...
MFC OnEraseBkgnd浅析 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
...EraseBkgnd浅析在使用VC进行绘图时,最郁闷的就是屏幕闪烁问题。有时只能使用双缓冲去解决,当然更多的时候是去忍受。有没有什么这种的方法?有,那就是重 在使用VC进行绘图时,最郁闷的就是屏幕闪烁问题。有时只能使用...
大数据:用数据指导APP运营 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
大数据:用数据指导APP运营数据问题一直是很多运营人员头疼的问题。之前的回答说了一些,但都没有展开说,我也不知道进阶篇能说到啥程度,但先说着吧。1 数据的定义...数据问题一直是很多运营人员头疼的问题。之前的回...
Remove empty array elements
...ments that are i.e. exact string '0', you will need a custom callback:
// PHP 7.4 and later
print_r(array_filter($linksArray, fn($value) => !is_null($value) && $value !== ''));
// PHP 5.3 and later
print_r(array_filter($linksArray, function($value) { return !is_null($value) && $...
How to let PHP to create subdomain automatically for each user?
...ess htaccess somehow? Is it actually simply possible to create it via pure php code or I need to use some external script-server side language?