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How to “log in” to a website using Python's Requests module?

...ormally, it simply adds persistence, allowing you to store and use cookies etc. Assuming your login attempt was successful, you can simply use the session instance to make further requests to the site. The cookie that identifies you will be used to authorise the requests. Example import requests ...

Create subdomains on the fly with .htaccess (PHP)

...ne you can tell Apache to look at the right place, with directory hashing, etc. For example, the line: VirtualDocumentRoot /http/users/%3.1/%3.2/%3 would tell Apache to set the document root to /http/users/s/u/subdomain when requested for subdomain.yourdomain.c

How to configure XAMPP to send mail from localhost?

...mpp\php\php.ini refers to windows environments. For mac look in xamppfiles/etc for your php.ini file. – Paul Trotter Oct 14 '14 at 10:46 3 ...

手握利器,直面“蓝脸”! ——使用WinDbg抗击系统崩溃 - 操作系统(内核) - ...

...indows有时候也会跟我们闹闹情绪,小则是“应用程序遇到问题需要关闭”,搞不好还可能给您脸色看看。但是,这脸色可不是红的白的,而是一张“蓝脸”,您见过吗?首先,我们介绍以下三个重要的问题: 一、到底什么是...

Converting a UNIX Timestamp to Formatted Date String

... object. It provides excellent support for dates/times including timezones etc – liquorvicar Apr 6 '12 at 7:35 add a comment  |  ...

TCP 的那些事儿(下) - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

... 算法 但是上面的这个算法在重传的时候会出有一个终极问题——你是用第一次发数据的时间和ack回来的时间做RTT样本值,还是用重传的时间和ACK回来的时间做RTT样本值? 这个问题无论你选那头都是按下葫芦起了瓢。 如下图所...

What is the function __construct used for?

...after it has been created, and is a good place to put initialisation code, etc. class Person { public function __construct() { // Code called for each new Person we create } } $person = new Person(); A constructor can accept parameters in the normal manner, which are passed whe...

PHP - concatenate or directly insert variables in string

...tuations when you want to embed object properties, multidimentional arrays etc. That is, generally when reading embedded vars, you cannot be instantly 100% sure of the final behavior of what you are reading. You frequently need add crutches such as {} and \, which IMO adds confusion and makes concat...

大数据时代的数据化运营 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...下,我们在运营中看到可以获得有效数据的原始数据不是问题,去除无效和虚假的数据才是关键。 相信做发行的同行都知道,在实践中,会遇到通过某些渠道或者是CPS,或者是广告渠道,他们一定会有大量的虚假的数据在里面...

Send attachments with PHP Mail()?

...using it requires to needlessly import another thing to trust (i.e no bugs/etc in the PHPMailer). To not blindly trust one would require one to look at the at least 3155 lines sloc (115.456 kb) of code. Given the alternative purely mail() using answers this seems like a worse tradeoff. The alternati...